Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aceh Besar District

    A Brief History Of The District Aceh

    Aceh Besar
    Before issued Emergency Law No. 7 of 1956, the Regency of Aceh Besar is an area that consists of three kewedanaan namely:
    1. Kewedanaan Seulimum
    2. Kewedanaan Lhoknga
    3. Kewedanaan Sabang
    Finally the long struggle of Aceh became an autonomous region passed through undag Law No. 7 of 1956 with its capital at the time was Banda Aceh and also the territory of the Municipality of Banda Aceh.

    In relation to regional development demands and an increasingly advanced and insightful, Banda Aceh as the center of the capital is considered less efficient again, both for today and for the future. Business capital transfer from the Banda Aceh region started since 1969, where the location was originally selected Sub Indrapuri a distance 25 km from Banda Aceh resettlement efforts have not succeeded and can not be executed as expected.

    Then in 1976 the pioneering effort for the second time the transfer of the capital became effective again by choosing another location that is in District Seulimum kemukinan Janthoi precisely the distance about 52 km from Banda Aceh.

    Finally, the last attempt was successful with a marked release of the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 35 of 1976 on the transfer of the Capital District Regional Level II Aceh Besar from the Municipality of Banda Aceh. Regional Level II Banda Aceh to kemukinan Janthoi in Sub Area Seulimum Regency of Aceh Besar with based on the results of research conducted by a team of department of the Interior in cooperation with the Regional danpemerintah Consultant PT. Markam Jaya which is seen from all aspects can be concluded that the considered eligible as the capital of the Regency of Aceh Besar is Kemukinan Janthoi by name CITY JANTHOI.

    Once established as the capital city of Jantho Regency of Aceh Besar a new one, then a gradual transfer of the capital continued to begin, and end up simultaneously all the activities of official office was moved from Banda Aceh to the Capital Jantho on August 29, 1983, and the opening made by Mr Minister Interior of the Republic of Indonesia at the time, namely Mr Supardjo Rusty on 3 May 1984.


    Aceh Besar district has 23 sub-districts in which one of the islands of Pulo Aceh district. The number of whole villages to reach 609 villages
    • Baitussalam (13 village)
    • Blang Bintang (26 village)
    • Darul Imarah (32 village)
    • Darul Kamal (14 village)
    • Darussalam (30 village)
    • Indrapuri (52 village)
    • Ingin Jaya (52 village)
    • Kota Jantho (14 village)
    • Krueng Barona Jaya (12 village)
    • Kuta Baro (47 village)
    • Kuta Cot Glie (32 village)
    • Kuta Malaka (15 village)
    • Lembah Seulawah (12 village)
    • Leupung (6 village)
    • Lho'nga (29 village)
    • Lhoong (26 village)
    • Mesjid Raya (13 village)
    • Montasik (40 village)
    • Peukan Bada (26 village)
    • Pulo Aceh (17 village)
    • Seulimeum (47 village)
    • Simpang Tiga (19 village)
    • Suka Makmur (35 village)
    Cultural tourism
    1. Cut Museum was originally a residence heroine named Cut. It contains a collection of the history of Aceh, which is managed and maintained by the Government of Aceh Besar district. Only the original foundation of this building, while standing now is the result of building renovations that had been burned by the Dutch.
    2. Old Mosque Indra Puri is located about 25 km to the south direction to Medan and can be reached by any transportation. Indra Puri is a Hindu kingdom and is a place of worship before Islam arrived. Later, Sultan Iskandar Muda introduce Islam to the public. And after all the people embraced Islam, where the previous temple converted into a mosque. Building the mosque stands on the land area of 33,875 m², is situated at an altitude of 4.8 meters above sea level and located approximately 150 meters from the edge of Krueng Aceh River.
    3. Indra Patra Fortress is situated ± 19 km from Banda Aceh at the Krueng Raya, near Beach Ujong Batee. According to history was built on the pre Islam in Aceh is in the Hindu kingdom, Indra Patra. But there is a source that says that the fort was built during the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam in an effort to resist the Portuguese attack. The fort is a very big function at the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda of its navy, at the time, led by Admiral Malahayati.
    4. Tomb of Admiral Malahayati located about 32 km from the city of Banda Aceh. He was a first female admiral who led the fleet on the Government of Sultan Iskandar Muda.
    5. Ali Hasymi Museum is another pride of the city of Banda Aceh. Ali Hasymi the former governor of Aceh and the artist has a personal collection of valuable and interesting. Now his collection be on display at the museum include the books by the scholars of Acehnese past, ancient ceramics, the typical weapon of Aceh, souvenirs from all over the world, and others.
    6. Ancient Library Tanoh Abee Abee Tanoh contained in the Village, at the foot of Mount Seulawah, Aceh Besar. Abee Tanoh Library is located at the boarding school complex Tanoh Abee, founded by the family glory Fairuz which climaxed during the leadership of Sheikh Abdul Wahab is known as Teungku Chik Tanoh Abee. He died in 1894 and was buried in Tanoh Abee. Pengumpukan script (manuscript) Dayah Tanoh Abee has been started since Sheikh Abdul Rahim, the grandfather of Sheikh Abdul Wahab. The last manuscript written during the Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id, son of Sheikh Abdul Wahab who died in 1901 in Banda Aceh, in Dutch custody.
    Nature tourism
    1. Lhok Nga Beach
    2. Lam Beach Pu'uk
    3. Beach Ujong Batee
    4. Beach Lhok Me
    5. Waterfalls Sihom, Lhong
    6. Waterfalls Kuta Malaka
    7. Waterfalls Peukan Biluy
    8. Reservoir Keuliling
    9. People's Forest Park Po Cut Diamond Meurah
    10. Saree Elephant Training Center
    11. Mount Seulawah Agam
    12. Jantho Nature Reserve
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