Friday, April 29, 2011

Central Kalimantan | History of Central Kalimantan | The Dayak of Central Kalimantan

    Central Kalimantan
    Central Kalimantan is a province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo. Its capital is the city of Palangkaraya. Central Kalimantan has an area of 157,983 km ² and a population of approximately 2,202,599 inhabitants, consisting of 1,147,878 males and 1,054,721 females (the Indonesian Population Census 2010).

    This province has 13 districts and one municipality.


    In the 14th century Maharaja Suryanata, prince of Majapahit kingdom ruled by the State Dipa mandalanya region from Cape Silat to Tanjung Putting in areas called the Sakai, the Barito river area, Tabalong, Balangan, Pitap, Alai, Amanda, Labuan Amas, Biaju Small (Kapuas-Joyless), Biaju Large (Kahayan), Sebangau Mendawai, Katingan, Sampit and Wasters who heads these areas is called Mantri Sakai, whereas Kotawaringin region at that time was a separate kingdom.

    Furthermore, Central Kalimantan is still included in the territory of the Sultanate of Banjar, the successor State Dipa. In the 16th century, King Maruhum Panambahan berkuasalah who was married to Siti Biang Nyai Lawai, a daughter of Dayak children Patih Rumbih from Biaju. Army Biaju often involved in the revolution in the palace of Banjar, even with the cutting action of the head (ngayau), for example young brothers named Commander Nyai Biang Lawai Landing (Nana's Nest) to help quell the rebellion of King Maruhum children Kiai In Podok, as well as in the Prince Suryanata II (Sultan Agung). King Maruhum Dipati Ngganding commissioned to govern the country Kotawaringin. Dipati Ngganding replaced by the law, namely Prince Dipati Anta-Kasuma son of King Kotawaringin Maruhum as the first king with the title of Queen City Waringin. Prince Dipati Anta-Kasuma is the husband of Andin named Dipati Ngganding and Nyai bint bint Mantri Kahayan Tapu. In Kotawaringin Prince Dipati Anta-Kasuma married local women and have children, that the Prince and Princess Amas Lanting. Prince Queen Amas Amas whose surname is the primary Kotawaringin king, his successor King Kotawaringin continued until now, namely Prince Queen Alidin Sukma Alam. Kotawaringin first contract with the Dutch East India Company took place in 1637.Menurut Radermacher report, in 1780 there has been such indigenous governance Kyai Ingebai Suradi Kingdom Mendawai regional head, Kyai Ingebai Sudi Queen Sampit regional head, Raden Jaya district head Wasters and Kotawaringin kingdom with its king who holds the Queen City Ringin

    Under the treaty, August 13, 1787, Sunan Natasha Alam from Banjarmasin hand over areas in Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and South Kalimantan (including Banjarmasin) to the VOC, while the Sultanate of Banjar itself with the remaining area along the North Kuin, Martapura until Tamiang Kite and Mengkatip a protectorate area VOC, the Dutch. On May 4, 1826 Adam al-Sultan of Banjar Watsiq Billah reaffirm handover region of Central Kalimantan and other areas to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. Furthermore, the heads of regions in Central Kalimantan was under the Dutch East Indies.

    Based Nederlandisch Staatsblad van Indië in 1849, areas in the region included in the Zuid-ooster Bêsluit-Afdeeling according to van den Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, on August 27, 1849, No. 8. Areas in Central Kalimantan tergolang as the dependent state and district in the Sultanate of Banjar.

    Before the XIV century, the area of Central Kalimantan, including areas that are still pure, yet there are migrants from other regions. It was the only means of transport is boat. Hindu kingdom in 1350 began to enter the area Kotawaringin. Year 1365, can be controlled by the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit Kingdom. Some of the tribes was named Minister of the Kingdom. Year 1520, at beaches in southern Kalimantan controlled by the Sultanate of Demak, the religion of Islam began to flourish in Kotawaringin. In 1615 founded the kingdom of the Sultanate of Banjar Kotawaringin, which includes coastal areas of Central Kalimantan. These areas are: Sampit, Mendawai, and Wasters. While other areas remain free, directly led by the chiefs, and even many of those who withdrew into the hinterland. In areas Pematang Sawang Kupang Island, near the Kapuas, the City Bataguh never a major war. Dayak women named Nyai Law plays a role in the battle. Nyai Act was accompanied by the gallant knights, including Singleton, Bungai, Andin Sindai, and Tawala Swamp RACA. In later days the name of Tambun Bungai gallant hero, became the name of Tambun Bungai Kodam XI, Central Kalimantan. 1787, with the agreement between the Sultan of Banjar with VOC, resulting in areas of Central Kalimantan, almost all regions, controlled by the VOC. On May 1, 1859 opening of the port at Sampit. [8] In 1917, the Government of invaders began to appoint local people to serve as officers of government, with direct supervision by the occupiers themselves. Since the nineteenth century, colonists began to make expeditions into the interior of Borneo in order to strengthen their position. But the indigenous population, not just easily influenced and controlled. Resistance to the invaders they were doing until the twentieth century. Frontal resistance, ending in 1905, after Sultan Mohamad Seman fall as a nation kusuma Menawing River and was buried in Puruk Cahu. In 1835, Protestant Christianity began heading inland. Until the proclamation of Indonesian independence, August 17, 1945, the invaders are not able to master the whole of Borneo. Indigenous people survive and make resistance. In August 1935 fighting between ethnic Dayak Punan is oot Marikit with the colonizers. The fighting ended with a peace in Sampit between oot Marikit by-law or Panganon Pangenan with the Dutch Government. According to Hermogenes Ugang, in the 17th century, a Roman Catholic missionary named Antonio Ventimiglia ever come to Banjarmasin. With persistent and diligent struggle back and forth across the big river in Borneo with a boat that has been equipped with an altar for sacrifice of the Mass, he managed to membapbtiskan three thousand people Ngaju become Catholic. His job is centered on the headwaters of the Kapuas (Manusup) and influence the work he feels up to the Hill region. However, on the orders of the Sultan of Banjarmasin, Father Anthony Ventimiglia and then killed. The reason for the killing was because Father loves Ngaju Ventimiglia, while at that time Ngaju people have a poor relationship with the Sultan of Banjarmasin. With the killing of Pastor Ventimiglia then thousands of Catholics who have dibapbtiskannya Ngaju, back to the original faith of their ancestors. What is left is the signs of the cross has ever introduced by Father Ventimiglia to them. But the sign of the cross has lost real meaning. Sign of the cross only became fetis objects (amulets) which merit magical as against disaster, which until now known as shanties lampinak Dayak language or vertical bird in Banjar.

    In colonial times, tribal Dayak in Central Kalimantan, despite his socializing with outsiders, but remain within their own environment. In 1919, Dayak youth who have a formal education, seek progress for the community by establishing a U.S. tribe Dayak Dayak and Cooperatives, which was pioneered by Hausman Babu, M. Lampe, Ray Philips, Haji Abdul Gani, Sian, Lui Thursday, Tamanggung Tundan, and many more. Dayak Dayak and Cooperative Union, moving actively until 1926. Since then, the Dayak tribes become more familiar with state of the times and start moving. By 1928, the two organizations merged into Pakat Dayak, who is engaged in social, economic and political. They are actively involved in these activities is Hausman Babu, Anton Samat, Loei Thursday. Then followed by Mahir Mahar, C. Royalties, H. Denied, Oto Ibrahim, Ray Phillips, E.S. Handuran, Amir Hasan, Christian Nyunting, Tjilik Riwut, and many more. Dayak gathering "continue the struggle, until the dissolution of Dutch rule in Indonesia. In 1945, Dayak Unity, based in Pontiac, and then have branches all over Borneo, pioneered by J. Uvang Uray, F.J. Palaunsuka, A. Djaelani, T. Brahim, F.D. Leiden. In 1959, Dayak Unity disbanded, then joined the PNI and Partindo. Finally Partindo West merged into IPKI. In the area of East Kalimantan stand Persukai or Indonesian Borneo Ethnic Unity under the leadership of Kamuk Tupak, W. Bungai, Muchtar, R. Magat, and many others.

    The Dayak in Central Kalimantan, among others:
    • Ot Danum Dayak Tribe
    • Dayak tribe Ngaju
    • Dayak tribe Bakumpai
    • Dayak tribe Maanyan
    • The Dayak Dusun
    • Dayak tribe Lawangan
    • The Dayak Siang Joyless
    • The Dayak Punan
    • Dayak tribe Sampit
    • Dayak tribe of West Kotawaringin
    • Dayak tribe Katingan
    • Dayak tribe Bawo
    • Dayak tribe Taboyan
    • Dayak tribe Mangkatip
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