Wednesday, April 27, 2011

West Kalimantan Province

    West Kalimantan
    West Kalimantan is a province of Indonesia, located on the island of Borneo and beribukotakan Pontianak.

    The total area of West Kalimantan Province is 146,807 km ² (7.53% area of Indonesia). It is the fourth largest province after Papua, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.

    West Kalimantan is one area that can be called the province of "A Thousand Rivers". The nickname is in line with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers which can and often navigable. Several large rivers is still a pulse and the main route for inland transportation, although the road infrastructure has been able to reach most of the district.

    Although a small region of West Kalimantan is the ocean waters, but the West has dozens of large and small islands (most uninhabited) are scattered throughout the Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea bordering the region of Riau Islands Province.

    The population in West Kalimantan Province according to the census of 2004 amounted to 4,073,304 people (1.85% of Indonesia's population).

    History of West Kalimantan

    According kakawin Nagarakretagama (1365), West Kalimantan Majapahit conquered , even since the time of the call Singhasari Bakulapura. According to the Hikayat Banjar (1663), the country Sambas, Sukadana and countries in Batang Lawai (ancient name of the Kapuas River ) had been conquered since the days of the Hindu kingdom of Banjar. In 1604 the first time the Dutch trade with Sukadana.) Since October 1, 1609, the Kingdom of Sambas a Dutch VOC protectorate area. October 20, 1756 per the agreement the Dutch East India Company will assist the Sultan of Banjar Tamjidullah I to re-conquer the areas that separate them Sanggau, Sintang and Lawai (District Melawi). By deed dated March 26, 1778 Hedgehogs and Sukadana country submitted to the Dutch East India Company by the Sultan of Banten. These are areas that originally belonged to the Dutch East India Company in addition to the protectorate of Sambas. In the same year Prince Sharif Abdul Nur Alam sanctioned Dutch East India Company as the first Sultan of Pontianak in Dutch-owned territory. In 1789 the Sultan of Pontianak Fang Lan Corp. assisted the Dutch East India Company was ordered to occupy the country Mempawah. West coast of Borneo consists of resident assistant Sambas and Pontianak resident assistant. Sambas Division includes the beach area of Tanjung Dato until Doeri estuaries. While the Pontiac division which is under the assistant resident district includes the Pontiac Pontiac, Mempawah, Hedgehog, Kubu, Simpang, Sukadana, Matan, Tayan, Meliau, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Melawi, Sepapoe, Belitang, Silat, Salimbau, Piassa, Jongkong, Boenoet, Malor, Garden, Ketan, and Poenan On May 4, 1826 Sultan of Banjar handed Adam Barley, Sintang and Lawai (Melawi District) to the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. According Nederlandisch Staatsblad van Indië in 1849, 14 areas in the region included in the Wester-based Afdeeling Bêsluit van den Minister van Staat, Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch-Indie, on August 27, 1849, No. 8. In 1855, the country Sambas entered into the Dutch East Indies became Residency of Sambas.

    In the reign of the Dutch East Indies by the Governor-General as published in STB No. 1938. 352, among others, regulate and establish the administrative capital of the region based in Banjarmasin Borneo Gouvernement divided into 2 Residentir, one of them is Residentie Westerafdeeling Van Borneo with capital of Pontianak, led by a resident.

    On January 1, 1957 WK officially became an independent province on Borneo island, on the basis of Act No. 25 of 1956 dated 7 December 1956. The law has also been the basis for the establishment of two other provinces in the archipelago's largest island. Both provinces are in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan.


    Indonesian is the language generally used by people in West Kalimantan. Also connecting language, namely Malay Pontianak, Sambas Malay and Bahasa Senganan by region spreading. Likewise, there are various types of language Dayak, according to research there are 188 dialects Institute Dayakologi spoken by ethnic Dayak and Chinese languages such as Tiochiu and Khek / Hakka. Dialect in the language of the Dayak tribe masksudkan against this is so much resemblance to the Malay language, only the most different at the end of words such as eat (Malay), makatn (Kanayatn), wearing (Iban) and makot (Melahui).

    Especially for clumps Uut Danum, the language is virtually stands alone and is not a dialect of the other Dayak groups. Dialect actually exist in some sub tribe Dayak Uut Danum own. As in the language of the sub tribe Dohoi for example, to say eat it consists of at least 16 vocabulary words, ranging from the most subtle to the most rugged. For example, ngolasut (medium fine), germ (general), dekak (for an older or respected), ngonahuk (rough), monirak (most coarse) and Macuh (for the spirits of the dead).

    Malay language in West Kalimantan consist of several types, including Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Melayu Pontianak and Sambas. Bahasa Melayu Pontianak itself has the same accent discussed Malaysia and Malay Riau Malay.


    West Kalimantan has the potential of agriculture and plantations are relatively abundant. West Kalimantan, including agricultural products are rice, corn, soybeans and others. While crops such as rubber, oil palm, coconut, aloe vera and others. Oil palm plantations until October 2010 has reached 592,000 ha. The gardens are partially built on land converted to forest plantations. Palm gardens benefit employers and authorities. The participant farmers suffer. Income of smallholders PTPN XIII only 6.6 ounces of rice per day / person. While management of the garden with a partnership only provides 3.3 ounces of rice per day / person. This condition is worse than forced plants (kultuurstelsel) Dutch East Indies era.

    Traditional Dance

    Dance Monong / Manang / Baliatn, is a dance Healing contained in all the Dayak community. dance serves as a repellent / healer / antidote to the disease for the patient to recover back the dancers behave like shamans with the spell. This dance is present when the shaman is in a state of trance, and dance is part of traditional ceremonies Bemanang / Balian.

    Dance by side, A Dance Single at the Dayak Mualang Sekadau District which in the present as a dance entertainment community for sustenance / dagger / food given by God. This dance is used by side as a media attraction and dance is set off from the ancestral culture of the past are strongly associated with acceptance / welcoming guests / hero.

    Dance dance Jonggan merupkan Kanayatn Dayak community association in the Kubu Raya, Mempawah, Hedgehog can still be found and enjoyed visually, this dance meceritakan joy and happiness in the association Dayak young couple. In this dance the guests who come are generally invited to dance together.

    Kondan Dance is a dance association rhyme and accompanied by traditional music Sanggau Kapuas Dayak community, arts kondan sometimes is accompanied by guitar. kondan art is greeting happiness of guests who visit and spend the night in his area. This art is done by dancing and unrequited rhyme.

    Kinyah Uut Danum, is a typical war dance Uut Danum Dayak tribal groups who showed agility and alertness in the face of the enemy. Today was a lot Kinyah Uut Danum shown on special events or when welcoming guests who visit. This dance is very hard to learn because in addition to using Ahpang (Saber) is original, as well as a very dynamic movement, so people are less physically fit will be quickly exhausted.

    Zapin dance in West Kalimantan Malay community, is a social dance in society, as the media said the happiness in the association. If he uses the property Tembung then called Zapin Tembung, if a fan then called Zapin fan.

    Traditional Musical Instruments

    Gong / Agukng, Kollatung (Uut Danum) are percussion instruments made of brass, is a multifunctional instrument both as a dowry, as the base symbol of the spirit in marriage. as well as payment of the customary law.

    Tawaq (a type kempul) is a musical instrument to accompany the traditional dance of the Dayak community in general. Uut Danum Dayak language called Kotavak.

    Sapek is a traditional stringed musical instrument of the upper Kapuas Depth wealth among the Dayak communities upstream of Kapuas district. In Uut Danum people call Konyahpik (form) differs slightly with Sapek.

    Feedback / Kurating is a stringed musical instrument similar Sapek, derived from the Kapuas Hulu on Ibanik the Dayak, Dayak Banuaka ".

    Kangkuang are percussion instruments made of wood and carved, found in the Dayak community Banuaka Kapuas Hulu.

    Keledik / Kedire a musical instrument made from gourds and bamboo played by blowing and smoked, located in Kapuas Hulu. In Uut Danum Dayak tribe called Korondek.

    At Entebong is a kind of musical instrument drum that is widely available in the local Dayak groups Mualang Sekadau District.

    Rabab / Rebab, the stringed instrument, is at the Uut Danum Dayak tribe. Kohotong, namely wind instrument, made from a kind of midrib branches of wild plants in the forest like a palm tree. Sollokanong (some call it Klenang other Dayak tribes) made of brass, the shape is smaller than the gong, its use should be one set.

    Terah People (on Uut Danum Dayak) is a percussion instrument such as the Javanese gamelan. It is made of iron (the people) then Terah called the Ummah.

    Traditional Weapons
    • Saber (Ahpang: Uut Danum designation) is a type of sword that is unique, with a fine and peculiar. In Uut Danum Dayak tribe upper is made of carved deer antlers, while the iron material Ahpang (Saber) is made of iron mined itself and consists of two types, namely the famous Nyan Bahtuk hard and sharp so that flies perch can break but easily broken and People of the famous Motihke flexible, toxic and does not rust.
    • Kris
    • Tumbak
    • Chopsticks (Sohpot: Uut Danum title)
    • Piston rifle
    • Duhung (Uut Danum)
    • Isou Bacou or Parang that both sides sharply (Uut Danum)
    • Lunjuk or similar tumbak to hunt (Uut Danum)
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