Friday, April 29, 2011

East Kalimantan

    East Kalimantan
    East Kalimantan was destined to become the pioneer of civilization in Indonesia. History proves it, because in this region are found the oldest kingdom in Indonesia, namely the kingdom Mulawarman located in the district of Muara Kaman. Kingdom is estimated to stand at abab IV AD, with the famous king Nala Mulawarman god. The descendants of King Mulawarman power continued until the 25th king named Maharaja Setia Derma (XXIII century AD).

    By the power of Dynasties Mulawarman start to fade, on the east Kalimantan has established several kingdoms. Beginning with the kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara in Jaetan screen (now the entrance area of Kutai Lama.) Then stand well Tabur Mount Royal and Royal Sambaliung (Berau), Kingdom of Tanjung Palas (Bulungan) and the Kingdom Sandurangas (Pasir District).

    The kingdoms are running the government in their respective territories and history recorded no serious dispute between the kingdoms, to enter the Dutch who colonized East Kalimantan since 1844.

    The Dutch colonial government established the Federation of East Kalimantan, which is a composite of four kingdoms in East Kalimantan. When the Republic of Indonesia was established on August 17, 1945, the Federation of East Kalimantan are legally enter the territory of Indonesia and Kaltim rakyak was indeed choose to join with the Republic of Indonesia.

    In the period of physical struggle (1945-1949), the people of East Kalimantan has also struggled to maintain independence with a climax with the events "Sanga-sanga" (January 1947), known as red-white event.

    After experiencing a period of change from the form of the royal system of government became Special Region (1956) and eventually became the province (January 1957) which consists of four regencies (Kabupaten Kutai, Berau, Bulungan and Pasir District) plus two townships (Township Samarinda Township and Balikpapan).

    Geography and Climate

    Geographical Location
    East Kalimantan region with an area reaches 211,440 km ² or one and a half times the island of Java and Madura, is largely a land that is 20,039,500 ha. (81.71%), while only 4,484,280 hectares ocean. (18.29%). Area known as a timber warehouse has hundreds of rivers that are spread in almost all districts and cities with the longest river of Mahakam River.

    East Kalimantan provincial capital of Samarinda is located on the banks of the Mahakam River. Samarinda cans be reached by land and water, although it must transit in the city of Aberdeen, the which is Nowhere was his Sepinggan International Airport. Then proceed with Cassa flight 212, scheduled flights every day except Sundays, to the airport Temindung.

    Topography Area
    East Kalimantan region dominated by undulating topography, from flat to steep slope, with an altitude ranging between 0-1500 meters above sea level with a slope of 60%.

    Climate Characteristics
    East Kalimantan province including Humida Tropical climate with rainfall ranging between 1500-4500 mm per year. Minimum air temperatures average 21 ° C and maximum 34 ° C with a difference of day and night temperatures between 5 ° -7 ° C. The minimum temperature usually occurs in October to January, while the maximum temperature occurred between July to August.

    Humidity averaged 86% with wind speeds average 5 knots per hour. Rainfall data for 5 years from 1994-1998 noted that the average rainfall reaches 2060.2 mm per year.

    Vision and Mission

    Vision: Brought Central Kalimantan Agro Industry and Energy as Leading Toward a Just and Prosperous Society.

    1. Improving the quality of human resources is smart, skilled, noble and highly competitive.
    2. Ensure the fulfillment of basic needs and quality of life of a decent and Prosperous Society
    3. Improving facilities and community health services
    4. Fostering understanding and practice of religious doctrine and internal harmony Among religious communities and religious communities by the government.
    5. Achieve good governance, and creating a clean and authoritative government to Realize East Kalimantan as an Island of Integrity
    6. Enhancing the role of the public in law enforcement to combat corruption sera Accelerate reform of the bureaucracy to improv public services.
    7. Develop a dynamic youth, women and sports.
    8. Develop and improv the welfare of manpower and Transmigration and expand job creation.
    9. Build quality basic infrastructure and equitable society.
    10. Empowering and Improving the system of subsidies, social protection, improved distribution and reduction / Alleviation of the poor.
    11. Revitalizing the Agricultural implement food crops, plantations, fisheries, animal Husbandry and forestry to the welfare of the Farmers, Fishermen and ranchers.
    12. Creating a conducive investment climate, make Regulations That Ensure ease of business and investing.
    13. Improving community and economic empowerment, through improved incentives for entrepreneurship and access to medium businesses, small and micro enterprises as well as other real sector.
    14. The utilization of natural resources management in an optimal and sustainable and Provide maximum benefit to the people's welfare.
    15. Maintain, utilize and coordinate the Spatial Plan of the Province of East Kalimantan and implement reform the land system.
    16. Improvement / development of the political system security and public order.
    17. Managing rich culture and history as well as developing the potential of tourism as a source of income.
    Priority Agenda
    1. Tackle unemployment, because the total labor force in East Kalimantan, with total employment is still not balanced.
    2. Development of economic infrastructure, especially roads, bridges and ports. Trans-Kalimantan roads need to be resolved. Similarly, the construction of district roads.
    3. The implementation of the commitment to allocate the cost of education by 20 percent (excluding salaries and benefits of teachers), the launching of 12-year compulsory education and free education.
    4. Handling the flooding of Samarinda, Balikpapan, and other cities, especially along the Mahakam River Basin.
    5. Economic empowerment of the people be improved, especially considering the real sector, the informal sector and SMEs. Similarly, the need to reduce the limited access to capital.
    6. Increased purchasing power and improving the welfare of civil / military and police.
    7. Settlement of the energy crisis, reducing the imbalance between the availability of electricity with electricity demand.
    8. Self-reliance / sufficiency of food in the context of food security.
    9. Border area development, rural and remote areas. One thing to keep in a special breakthrough, given the level of progress achieved at this relatively slow.
    10. High economic growth, by improving the investment climate.
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