Saturday, April 30, 2011

Maluku | Maluku Province

    Moluccas or internationally known as the Moluccas is one of the oldest provinces in Indonesia. Its capital is Ambon. In 1999, some areas of Maluku province divided into North Maluku province, with its capital in Sofifi. Maluku province consists of islands known as the Maluku Islands.

    Since ancient times, Maluku has recognized the natural charm other than herb-rempahnya. Consisting of hundreds of islands make Maluku has a unique panorama on each island and invited many foreign tourists come to visit and even settle in these islands. In addition to natural attractions, a few relics of the colonial era is also a special attraction because it still can be maintained well until now. Some of the famous tourist attraction in the Moluccas, among others:
    • Natsepa Beach, Ambon
    • Doors city, Ambon
    • Fortress Duurstede, Saparua
    • Citadel Amsterdam, Ambon
    • Victoria Castle, Ambon
    • Banda Neira, Banda
    • Fort Belgica, Banda
    • Hunimoa Beach, Ambon
    • Sarnadan Ngur Beach (Pasir Panjang), Kai
    • Cave Ohoidertavun in Letvuan, Kai
    • Sawai, Ceram
    • Leksula, Buru
    • City Gate, Ambon
    • Latuhalat beach, Ambon
    • Cape Marthafons, Ambon
    • Manusela National Park, Seram
    • Waterfall Waihetu, Rumahkay, Horror
    • Hatuurang Coast
    • Coast Lokki, Horror
    • Englas Coast, Horror
    • Pulau Pombo
    • Pulau Tiga
    • Luciapara Island
    • Pulau Ay, Run and Rozengain (Hatta), Banda Islands
    • Weluan, Kep. Tanimbar
    • Bais Island
    • Cape Fault, Ceram
    • Long Island, Island and Island Lulpus Garogos
    • Mountain Boy
    • Kilfura, Ceram
    • Soplessy Beach, Ceram
    • Cave Lusiala, Ceram
    • Beach Kobisadar
    • Ahuralo, Amahai
    • Forest Cave Kartenes
    • Goa Akohy in Tamilouw, Ceram
    • Fortress Titaley, Ceram
    • Lake Binaya, Piliana

    Cyber ​​City Ambon
    In mid 2008, the city of Ambon set as the Cyber ​​City. Cyber ​​City project work undertaken Ambon Ambon city administration to provide easy-access internet has been completed until the end of December that year. Implementation of this project solely in order to make it easy for people to easily and cost-access to "virtual world", without having to queue at the "internet cafes" or subscribe to expensive phone for internet. Only with a capital of a laptop or comp wireless , People can enjoy the Internet with ease various places in downtown Ambon. Ambon city administration has also worked with telecommunications companies to borrow tower Telkomsel's cellular companies, where equipment will be installed on the tower Cyber-owned tower company, so that it can emit a signal and reach all areas of Ambon city.

    Famous musical instrument is Tifa (a type of drum) and Totobuang. Each musical instrument from Tifa Totobuang have different functions that are calm and support each other to give birth to music that is very unique color. But the music is dominated by musical instruments Tifa. Which consists of Tifa, Tifa Jekir, Tifa Association, Tifa Cut, Cut and Tifa Tifa Jekir Bas, plus a large Gong and Toto Dump which is a series of small-gong gong in place on a table
    In Maluku culture, there is also stringed musical instrument that is Ukulele and Hawaiian culture as found in Hawaii in the United States. This can be seen when the music Maluku from past until now still has a characteristic where there is good use of Hawaiian music on pop songs and traditional dances such as the accompanying Katreji.
    Other music is the exchange. Cultural exchange is a combination of Maluku and Middle Eastern culture. In the past few centuries, the Arabs came to spread Islam in the Moluccas, and then there was a mixture of cultures including the music. Proven in some musical exchanges, such as tambourines and flutes that characterize musical desert.
    Outside rather than the diversity of musical instrument, the person skilled in singing the famous Maluku. Since the first was they've been singing in accompaniment of traditional dances. No doubt if there are now many well-known singer who was born from these islands. Call it the legends like Broery Pesoelima and Harvey Malaihollo. Not to mention other world-caliber singers such as Daniel Sahuleka, Ruth, Monica Akihary, Eric Papilaya, Danjil Tuhumena, Romagna Sasabone, Harvey Malaih ollo and talented young singers like Glen Fredly, Ello Tahitu and the Moluccas.

    Is the famous Dance Dance Dance Cakalele depicting war. This dance is usually performed by the men, holding the machete and salawaku (Shield).
    There is also another dance like Saureka-Reka using stem of sago. Dance performed by six girls in desperate need of accuracy and speed while accompanied by the rhythm of music is very interesting.
    Dance which is a depiction of a young child is Katreji association. Dance Katreji played in pairs between women and men with an energetic movement varied and interesting. This dance is similar to European dances in general because Katreji also an acculturation of European culture (Portuguese and Dutch) to the culture of Maluku. It is more apparent on every cue in changing floor patterns and motion that are still using the language of Portuguese and Dutch as a
    Katreji addition, the famous European influence was that Polonaise Maluku people normally do when the marriage by each member of the party with the pair, forming a circle formation and perform minor movements that can be followed at all good people young and old.

    Customary marriage
    Maluku region consisting of hundreds of islands have various ethnic groups, such as interest Ternate, Ambon tribe, tribal Seram, Tidore tribe, tribal Kei and so forth. below will be explained about marriage customs in North Maluku that many inhabited by tribes and tribal Tidore Ternate.

    Ambon is the city and at the same time the provincial capital of Maluku, Indonesia.
    The city is also known as Ambon Manise , Is the largest town in the Maluku islands. Today, the city of Ambon became the center of the port, tourism and education in the province of Maluku.

    Location & Heritage history tour
    • Statue Pattimura, at Merdeka Square
    • Statue of Martha Christina Tiahahu, at Long Reef
    • Dolan monument, in Kudamati
    • Tugu Trikora, in Urimesing
    • Hero Cemetery World War II-Australia, in Tantui
    • Australia Monument, at Laha
    • Japanese Monument, in Tawiri
    • Statue of Franciscus Xaverius, in Batumeja
    • Fort Victoria, in Rear Cities
    • Monument Rumphius, in the Stone Table
    • Siwalima Museum, Taman Makmur in
    • Namalatu Beach, in Latuhalat
    • Pantai Indah Natsepa, in Natsepa
    • Beach Relax, in Latuhalat
    • Cape, in Cape Nusaniwe
    • City Gate, the Airlow
    • Coast Village Hukurila
    • Tempayang, the Soya
    • World Peace Gong
    • Goa stone holes, the Ds. Amahusu
    • Bunker / Tunnel underground VOC, in the Fort
    • Debris from the Dutch carrier Goods / Portuguese, at the bottom of the sea Waiyame
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