Friday, April 29, 2011

Manado City

    Manado City
    Manado is the capital city of North Sulawesi province. The city is often referred to as Manado Manado. North Sulawesi's motto is Si Tou Tou Timou Tumou, a philosophy of life of Minahasa popularized by Sam Ratulangi, which means: "Man lives to humanize other people" or "People live to turn on others. " In Manado language phrase, often said: "Baku backing Pande" which literally means "Mutual adds smart with other people. "

    Manado City History

    The city of Manado is the development of a country that is named Pogidon. Manado City is estimated to have been known since the 16th century. According to history, in that century was also the city of Manado has been visited by people from abroad. The name "Manado" land into use in 1623 to replace the name "Pogidon" or "Wenang". The word itself is the name of the island of Manado on the island of Bunaken, this word comes from the Minahasa region of Mana Mana dou rou or that in the Indonesian language means "far". In the same year, land-Manado Minahasa became known and popular among the Europeans with the results of their ground. It is recorded in historical documents.

    The presence of Manado city starts from the Dutch Indies Governor General besluit July 1, 1919. With that besluit, Manado Gewest defined as Staatsgemeente who then equipped with the tools, among others, the Board gemeente or Gemeente Raad headed by a Mayor (Burgemeester). In 1951, the Regional Section Gemeente Manado Manado Minahasa of Celebes by the Decree of Governor May 3, 1951 Number 223. April 17, 1951, formed the House of Representatives from 1951 to 1953 period based on Sulawesi Governor Decree No. 14. In 1953 the Regional Section changed its status to Manado Manado Local Government Regulation No. 42/1953 as amended by Government Regulation No. 15/1954. In 1957, Galway became Township according to Law No. 1 of 1957. In 1959, the Regional Municipality of Manado designated as Level II in accordance to Law No. 29 of 1959. In 1965, Manado Township changed its status to a Municipality led by Mayor Manado Manado Manado KDH second level according to Law Number 18 Year 1965 enhanced by Act No. 5 of 1974.

    Manado anniversary set on July 14, 1623, a momentum which resemble three historic events as well as the 14 who were taken from the heroic events of Red and White event February 14, 1946, where the son got up and opposed this area to maintain the independence of the Dutch colonization of Indonesia, later in July which was taken from the juridical element of July 1919, namely the emergence of Governor-General on the establishment Besluit Gewest Manado as Staatgemeente issued and 1623 are taken from historical element that is the year when the city of Manado known and used in official papers. Based on the three key events, the July 14, 1989, Manado city celebrates its anniversary to-367. From then until now that date continue to be celebrated by the people and government as the anniversary of Manado Manado.

    Geography Manado

    The city of Manado is located at the northern end of the peninsula of Sulawesi island, the geographical position of 124 ° 40 '- 124 ° 50' east longitude and 1 ° 30 '- 1 ° 40'N.. The climate in this city is a tropical climate with an average temperature of 24 ° - 27 ° C. The average rainfall is 3187 mm / year with the driest climate in the months of August and the wettest in January. The intensity of solar radiation on average 53% and ± 84% relative humidity.

    Land area is 15,726 hectares. Manado is also a coastal town which has a 18.7 kilometers coastline. The city is also surrounded by hills and mountain ranges. Dominated by the region's land territory is mountainous with some low-lying coastal areas. Altitude intervals between 0-40% with the highest peak in the mountain Tumpa.

    Territorial waters of Manado City covers the island of Bunaken, Siladen island and the island of Manado Tua. Bunaken Island and Siladen has a corrugated topography with peaks as high as 200 meters. While the island is the island of Manado Tua volcano with an altitude of ± 750 meters.

    While the waters of the bay of Manado has a depth of 2-5 meters on the coast to 2,000 meters at the boundary line meeting basic coastal continental slope. Depth became a kind of barrier so that until recently the intensity of damage Bunaken National Park is relatively low.

    Ethnicity Manado

    Currently the majority of the population comes from the city of Manado Minahasa tribe, as the region of Manado is located at ground / Minahasa region. Manado is a native tribe Bantik, other tribes that exist in the current Manado Sangir tribe, tribal Gorontalo, tribal Mongondow, Arab tribes, tribal Babontehu, tribal Talaud, ethnic Chinese, ethnic Siau and the Borgo. Because of the large community of Arab breed, then the existence of the Arab village located within a radius near Market '45 still survive until today and be one of religious tourism destination. In addition there are also residents Javanese, Batak, Makassar tribe and other tribes.

    Manado Tourism

    As the largest city in the region, Manado is an important tourist spot for visitors. Ecotourism is the biggest attraction of Manado. Scuba diving and snorkeling at Bunaken island is also a popular attraction. Another interesting place is Lake Tondano, Mount Lokon, Mount Water Quality and Mount Mahawu.

    In the past two decades, tourism activity rapidly grown into one of the economic mainstay of the city. Belle tourism city of Manado in North Sulawesi province is even Bunaken National Park is by some people named as one of the most beautiful marine park in the world. Bunaken Marine Park is one of a number of nature conservation areas or national parks in Indonesia. Bunaken Marine Park famous by the formation of coral reefs are extensive and beautiful dive sites which are often used by foreign tourists. Bunaken Island is one of the 5 islands scattered a few miles from the coast of Manado City. Its location is only about 8 km from the mainland city of Manado, and can be reached in about half to 2 hours, causing the National Park is easily visited.

    Another prominent tourist attraction in the city of Manado is Ban Hin Kiong Temple in the City Centre which was built in the early 19th century and restored in 1970. This pagoda is located at Jalan Panjaitan. This pagoda consists of the building is decorated with carvings and wooden stick fiery dragon. The best moment to visit this temple that is at the time of the Lunar New Year, when dipertunjukkannya traditional Chinese dance. Also on arrival the traditional parade of Chinese, Tai Pei Kong from the 14th century. These events are a festival of "Taoist" largest annual held in Southeast Asia, that attracted travelers from other countries. Other tourist sites are North Sulawesi State Museum and Monument (Memorial), Second World War.

    A monument was inaugurated in late 2007 and became the new icon is the city of Manado Monument bless. The building is founded on the hill in the housing Citraland Manado and has a height of 50 meters above ground level. Building initiated by Ir. Ciputra is a monument of Jesus Christ of the highest in Asia and second in the world after Christ the Redeemer.

    Besides having the sights of interest, one of the benefits of tourism the city of Manado is its strategic location to attractions in the hinterland, especially in Minahasa which can be reached within 1 to 3 hours from the city of Manado. Attractions include, Vulcano Area in Tomohon, Village Agriwisata Rurukan-Tomohon, mountains and Lake Panorama Tondano, Stone Pinabetengan and Waruga in Sawangan.

    Due to the huge tourism potential of the tourism industry in the city of Manado has increasingly grown and developed, among others, characterized by sufficient number of hotel and other supporting facilities. Until the end of 2001, there were 67 fruit hotel / lodging, travel agency 15 pieces, 223 pieces of restaurants and eating houses of various classes.

    Therefore, although quite unaffected by the economic crisis and the national situation less conducive, but tourism in the city of Manado is ongoing. In 1998 tourist arrivals were 34,509 people, became 11,538 people in 2000 and slightly increased in 2001 to 12,301 people. While tourists Nusantara in 1998 totaled 432,993 people, then fell to 279,014 people in 2000 and last in 2001 slightly increased to 291,037 people.

    To enhance the tourism potential of Manado, Jimmy Rimba Rogi as Mayor of the period 2005 - 2010, proclaimed the city of Manado as the World Tourism 2010, the declaration was intended to enhance the tourism potential in the city of Manado so that it can be calculated as a world tourist destination in the future. Some of the best known policy is to do a relocation of sidewalk vendors (PKL), which has long traded in the Garden of National Unity or formerly known as Market '45 and restore the function of pedestrian sidewalks as a place not as a street vendor selling. Efforts are doing so contribute to the clean city award she won again for the city of Manado in 2007.

    Economic Manado

    Most of the population of the city of Manado to work as civil servants (PNS), teacher or private employees (41.44%), as self-employed (20.57%), traders (12.85%), farmer / rancher / fisherman (9, 17%), labor (8.96%). The remaining engaged in the service sector and others (7%).

    Figures of Gross Regional Domestic Product (PRDB) City of Manado in 2000 was Rp. 2.14 trillion. The number is much higher than the figure in 1994 which amounted to Rp. 703.87 billion. The growth rate achieved in this period an average of 6.11% per annum. In 1994 to 1996 the growth rate is above 10% and then slowed to 2.92% in 1997 and 0.32% in 1998 which is the lowest number. In 1999, growth increased again to 1.60% And in 2000 to 5.62%.

    Since the emergence of the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997, the economy is badly affected the city of Manado. This can be seen from the increase in unemployment in 2000 was estimated at 20,465 people or 13.67%, and the growing number of poor families as many as 19,754 head of the Family (KK) or 24.60%. In 1999, there were indications of a significant recovery of the city's economy. Manado city per capita income rose from USD 1,753,482 in 1994 to Rp 4,452,672 in 2000.

    Manado city's economy consists of sectors, especially trade, hotels and restaurants, transport and communications sector and service sector. In 1996 the role of these three major sectors in the formation of GDP amounted to 68.74%. Within 5 years, the third role of this sector tend to become dominant as seen from its contribution in 2000 which increased to 74.68%. The inflation rate of Manado city during the last two years (2000-2001) are very volatile. In 2000 had experienced deflation as much as five times respectively in January amounted to -0.25%, April -0.08% May -0.13%, -0.85% in August and December -0.16% . While the highest inflation in the month in October in the amount of 4.05%. So that the cumulative inflation that occurred in Manado at 11.41%. In 2001 deflation as much as 3 times, namely in February of -0.56%, -0.23% in August and December of -0.26%. While the highest inflation rate in 2001 occurred in July in the amount of 2.83% in which the cumulative inflation in 2001 reached 13.30%.
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