Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Denpasar City | Sports, Arts and Culture City of Denpasar

    Denpasar City is a city on the island of Bali and at once became the capital of Bali province, Indonesia.
    The growth of tourism industry in Bali Denpasar city became the center of encouraging business activity, and put this city as a site of per capita income and high growth in the province of Bali.

    History Denpasar City

    Denpasar name can mean new markets, earlier this area is part of the Badung kingdom, a kingdom that had stood since the 19th century, before the kingdom was ditundukan by the Netherlands on September 20, 1906, in a heroic event known as the War Puputan Badung.

    After the independence of Indonesia, based on Law Number 69 Year 1958, Denpasar became the capital of the Badung regional government, then based on the Ministry of Home Affairs Number Des.52/2/36-136 June 23, 1960, Denpasar also designated as a capital city for the Province of Bali which was originally based in Singaraja.

    Then based on Government Regulation No. 20 of 1978, officially became''Denpasar Denpasar City Administrative'', and along with the ability and potential of regional autonomy in carrying out its territory, on January 15, 1992, under Law No. 1 of 1992, and Denpasar upgraded to''municipality'', which was inaugurated by the Minister of the Interior on February 27, 1992.

    Geography of Denpasar Cities

    Denpasar City is at a height of 0-75 meterssea level , located atposition 8 ° 35'31 " to 8 °44'49 " south latitudeand 115 ° 00'23 " to 115 °16'27 " east longitude. While the total area of Denpasar 127.78 km ² or 2.18% of the area of Bali Province. From the use of land, 2768 hectares are paddy land, 10,001 hectares are dry land and the remaining land area of 9 ha is another. Level of the average rainfall of 244 mm per month, with a relatively high rainfall occurred in December. While the average air temperature of about 29.8 ° C with the lowest average of about 24.3 ° C.

    Badung River is one river that divides the city of Denpasar, this river empties into the Gulf of Benoa.

    Economy Denpasar

    Tourism development has a strong influence on changes in economic structure and improving the city of Denpasar. But the economic structure of Denpasar is slightly different when compared with the structure of the Bali Provincial economy in general, by placing a trade, hotels and restaurants dominate the establishment of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) of Denpasar.

    Were also boost the economy of Denpasar is the production of handicrafts in the form of handicrafts for souvenirs, such as carving and sculpture. But the craft industry has encountered the pressure, in addition to the impact of the crisis and inter-regional competition, other pressure comes from competition between other Asian developing countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, India, Malaysia and China. These competitor countries maximize the scale of production by utilizing the technology industry, while in Denpasar this handicraft industry still retain the skills of hands (hand made) so that the constraints on the fulfillment of production quantity.

    Denpasar Tourism

    The development of tourism and the attraction of the island of Bali, has indirectly encouraged the progress of development in the city of Denpasar. In 2000, the number of foreign tourists who come to visit to reach 1,413,513 people, and places the highest number of tourists from Japan and then followed from Australia, Taiwan, Europe, UK, USA, Singapore and Malaysia.

    Tourism development policy in Denpasar emphasis on cultural pariwasata environment. As one of the centers of tourism development, the City of Denpasar was the barometer for the progress of tourism in Bali, this can be seen by many star hotels as a means to support tourism activities.

    Sanur Beach is one of the bustling coastal resorts visited. While Field Puputan an area of green open space in the city of Denpasar also functions as the lungs of the city.

    Sports, Arts and Culture City of Denpasar

    The main football club is a club football Perseden Denpasar Denpasar City community pride, and make the Ngurah Rai Stadium as the headquarters and home games venues.

    While arts and culture in the city of Denpasar largely identical with Balinese art and culture generally, though here there has been a combination of interaction with other cultures along with the arrival of tourists from various circles. But the traditional values that inspired by Hindu religious rituals still thick paint this city.

    Role of Traditional Balinese society still rooted in Denpasar, Bali Adat is included, values, norms and attitudes in society generally on patrilineal kinship system. But over time some of the customary law which came into force opposed by the community, especially in matters of gender and inheritance.
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