Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bee | Bee Stings | Livestock Bees

    Bees are a large group of insects that are known for being fond of life berkelompokm although not all the bees are in fact the case. All the bees go in the tribe / family Apidae (order Hymenoptera: winged insect membranes). In the world there are approximately 20,000 species of bees and can be found on every continent, except Antarctica.
    As an insect, she has three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. Bees make their nests on the hill, the trees and on rooftops. Nest is built from the night included in the body. Bees eat flower nectar and pollen.

    Female insects have an important role in this insect group. The behavior of bees is determined by the behavior of the female bee. Some females of certain species of bees live alone (solitary) and others known for their social behavior. Solitary bees build their own nest and foraging for keturunnya without the help of other bees and usually die or leave the nest at the time keturunnya not become an adult bee. Sometimes a few species of solitary bees to feed and care for their children without giving food reserve for his son, a relationship like this is known as subsosial. While at a higher level, bees live in groups and sharing of tasks in accordance with their respective physical shape.
    In one group (called "colonies") there are three "castes", ie:
    • queen bee;
    • female bees (also known as the "worker bee"); and
    • drones.
    Each caste of bees have their respective duties. Only one tail of the queen bee in each colony and oversee all activities of female bees and drones. Diploid chromosome composition so as to produce offspring. Her body was bigger because since he is still in the larva is fed royal jelly that is rich in benefits. Its main task is to mate and lay eggs. Active queen bee can lay about 2,000 eggs a day. Queen bee's life expectancy is three years.
    Female bees or worker bees collect pollen and nectar. Honey is a product of food processing in the body and stored in the hive for food, including larvae and pupae. There is also a female bee in charge of cleaning the nest and keep the kids of bees. Worker bees life expectancy is three months or less. Female bees are formed without going through the marriage ("parthenogenesis") and barren (sterile) because it only has one set of chromosomes (haploid).
    Male bee queen bee duty to marry and will die after mating. Bee drones are the result of marriage (so that the diploid) are given a regular diet of nectar and honey (instead of "royal jelly"). There are also bees that live alone, not in groups. Such types of bees called solitary bees.
    Often in animated films, if the bees made honey they produce they will be angry. And no, the bees will be very happy and "honorable" if they produce is taken and helpful to others.

    Cycle life
    Bees undergo complete metamorphosis ("holometabola") so that there are four stages of life forms:
    • eggs;
    • larvae;
    • pupa (chrysalis);
    • imago (adult bees).
    Eggs that will hatch into larvae. At this stage, bees will provide larval food workers in the form of pollen, nectar, and honey. Most of the nectar collected by worker bees are stored as honey. After several days, the larvae change into pupae and so become children of bees.
    Utilization of bee
    Bees in nature important function as the main insect pollinators. His joy will be utilized nectar and pollen plants for pollination and pollen dissemination. In artificial pollination of certain crops, bees kept in cages containing plants that will be crossed.
    Honey produced by bees preferred by many animals, especially bears.
    Humans also use honey as food and medicine. Rearing of bees for honey has been taken by man since long. Knowledge about bees and their maintenance is known as apiari. Beekeeping business is also called by that name.
    Some types of bees have a sting which actually was fatal for him. Sting humans are utilized in a similar treatment called acupuncture bee therapy (apitherapy).
    In some places in Indonesia, larvae and pupae of bees made foods (such as botok bee).
    Bee stings often use their tails when annoyed / disturbed. Bees sting tail thrust repeatedly into the epidermis enemy so that it hurts. However, what these bees turned out to make the sting off (left) in the skin of a person and draw pencernaanya tool (which is attached to the sting), and within a few minutes later the bees were dead. So do not be afraid of bees attacked two times.
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