Thursday, April 28, 2011

Strategic Thinking

    System Approach in Strategic Thinking. Systems approach is an approach that is very relevant and effective in supporting strategic thinking, because through this approach an organization or a problem in terms of a comprehensive and holistic perspective. Based on this approach then there are seven things to watch in strategic thinking is associated with the concept of system approach (Sanders, 1998).
    1. Consider the entire system, not only parts of it. In other words we need to look at a problem and our organization in a broader context, for example, in perspective, ranging from local, regional, national to international.
    2. Notice about the relationship between the regularity with ketidakaturan, and changes in governing themselves that occur as a result of the interaction between them. Remember that change occurs as a result of new influences that interfere with the existing pattern. From this interference pattern will tirnbul new. The organization as a complex adaptive system to create and respond to changes through the feedback process. An innovation on the part of the company will encourage the activity of other parts, and will lead to a circular feedback and progress on a regular basis because each reacts sensitively. The challenge is to see or rnerasakan where and direction of self-organization kernana changes or new patterns of interaction that appears. This will assist us in making the decision where and how should we use our resources.
    3. Small incident that occurred on one sector will cause turbulence to the other therefore important to know the information that appears on the new developments that may impact on our business. Notice first of all to the business and our industry, then to other industries, where development can be proliferated rapidly and blind us to the next day. And ask ourselves what new developments in the discipline or other industries that we can rnanfaatkan. Changes in the surface of what began to emerge today. With rnemahami initial conditions of and development of our system, we'll have the opportunity to respond to changes before a crisis arises and we can influence the future for our advantage.
    4. The use of maps, models, and visual images will be able to help us see the connection, linkage, and patterns of interaction among components in the system concerned.
    5. Observations across disciplines and industries is an important key to view the conditions that arise, shift paradigms, and opportunities to innovate. Previously, experts from different disciplines do not want to talk to each other, now scientists have started to notice a link between their disciplines, and boundaries of each has begun to open to each other. The problem is there any question that they face are too big to be answered only by a single discipline. With the openness created opportunities for interdisciplinary synergy of thought and research cooperation. With the cooperation and sharing of information among disciplines is the problem facing the chaos and complexity can be better understood.
    6. In non-linear thinking is a critical need to identify the key changes from the environment. Kenichi Ohmae states that indicate that it is the mind of a strategic thinking is an intellectual who can be resilient or flexible mernberikan a realistic response to a changing situation, not only can accurately make into money APD changes that occur. Thinking ahead requires a full thought, he connects things mernerlukan nonlinear capabilities, which can enable us can rriersakan although the changes are not visible and can link it to both so as not to lose track. Techniques to handle nonlinear information that can be done through: understanding that it is in every situation, because we are the carrier also: involve a group from various disciplines in the process of mapping, because the individuals who set specific education or training have the intuition or instinct based on knowledge and experience: Describe the problems encountered, in a way that will help us understand a difficult problem to understand, if only based on words or quantitative data only.
    7. Perspective is important to be able to view the chaotic events. Perspectives will be able to provide important information about the change process. At rnempelajari garnbaran future, it is important to see the whole picture, and at the same time understand detaihiya and he gave his position and contribution within the international, national, regional, or local, as well as about relationships, linkage, and patterns of interaction that causes changes to the environment.
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