Thursday, April 28, 2011

Understanding Strategy

    According Minztberg, 1) strategy is a plan, or something equivalent to the direction, guidance or direction of action toward the future or a path to reach from here to destination: 2) strategy is also a pattern, which is consistent in behavior over a certain time .

    The strategy is a process to determine the direction undertaken by an organization to achieve its mission. The strategy emphasized the direction we are heading, not the way we'll get there. The strategy requires us to be able to see beyond the obvious sesuati to find new and creative ways in overcoming the challenges that will face competition in the future. She can be formed through an assessment and prioritization of strategic factors that might impact on all major decisions affecting the future of our organization. Done through a series of open questions designed to broaden thinking about the direction that should be addressed by our organization.

    Strategies need to be reviewed regularly to determine whether the strategy is still valid or whether further change is needed. It is a necessary preliminary to penjang term planning so that part of the planning process was not merely a historical extrapolation. Strategy is the final step in the strategic thinking of the planning process (Morrisey, 1997).

    The strategy is to plan large-scale action in interacting with the environment to achieve long-term goals. The strategy is the unity of a comprehensive and integrated plan that links companies with the challenge of environmental excellence. And designed to ensure that the company's main objectives can be achieved through proper execution by the company. Almost equally with this, Allison said that the strategy is a direction or an integrated approach taken by the organization to rnenanggapi environment, so the organization can achieve its objectives.

    Salusu suggests that the strategy is the art of using the skills and resources of an organization to achieve its objectives through effective relationships with Ungkungan in the most favorable conditions.

    Characteristics of the strategy: the strategy is usually the modus operandi used to complete an attempt. People who normally use the model of a mention of a strategic plan as a way to achieve the goal. Strategy is how the goals and objectives will be achieved, and often contain constraints on what methodology will be used to achieve them, and which can not be used.

    A strategy should be defined more specifically as a tool to address important issues that bejangka longer at the business as a whole or one of its aspects (eg, business unit or function).

    Strategy is a statement about where the intended direction by the organization as a whole, or a significant part of it. Therefore, the strategy is a statement of intent which provides the basis for defining the mission, goals and specific objectives of the organization, and lead to the preparation of strategic plans and action plans to achieve them.
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