Friday, April 29, 2011

Samarinda City

    Samarinda City
    Samarinda City is one of the city and is the provincial capital of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The whole area of the city is directly adjacent to the Regency. Samarinda can be achieved with a trip by land, sea and air. With the Mahakam River which divides in the middle of Samarinda, becoming a "gateway" into the interior of East Kalimantan. The city has an area of 718 km ² and a population of 726,223 inhabitants (the Indonesian Population Census 2010), a city with the largest population in the whole of Borneo.


    By the time war broke out Gowa, Dutch forces under Admiral Speelman Napier led a naval attack from the sea, while Arupalaka who helped the Dutch to attack from the mainland. Finally, the Kingdom of Gowa can be defeated and Sultan Hasanuddin had signed an agreement known as the "AGREEMENT BONGAJA" on November 18, 1667.

    Some Wajo Bugis people of the kingdom of Gowa who do not submit and adhere to the agreement Bongaja, they still continue the struggle and guerrilla resistance against the Dutch and some are moved to other islands some of which migrated to the area of Kutai kingdom, namely the group led by Lamohang Daeng Mangkona (titled Pua Ado the first). The arrival of the Bugis people of the kingdom of Gowa Wajo was well received by the Sultan of Kutai.

    For agreements and treaties, by the King of Kutai entourage was given location around the village take the floor, a low-lying areas that are good for the business of Agriculture, Fisheries and Trade. In accordance with the agreement that the Bugis people Wajo should help all the interests of King Kutai, especially in the face of the enemy.

    All of the group chose the area around the estuary Coral Mumus (Selili area opposite) but the area has led to difficulties in shipping due to play fast-flowing areas (berulak) with a lot of dirt river. In addition to the background mountains (Mount Selili).

    With a floating house which is above water, should be the same height between the houses to each other, represents no difference whether the degree of nobility or not, all the "same" rank with locations around the estuary of the river which berulak, and on both sides of the river mainland or "low". This term is estimated from the location of the new settlement was named SAMARENDA or over time spelling "SAMARINDA".

    Wajo Bugis people are living in Samarinda in 1668 or rather the beginning of the month of January 1668 is used as a benchmark to determine the anniversary of the city of Samarinda. Local regulations have been established in the Regional Municipality of Level II Samarinda Number: 1 1988 January 21, 1988, article 1 reads "Anniversary of Samarinda is set on January 21, 1668 AD, coincided with the 5th of Sha'ban 1078 H" setting was implemented to coincide with the anniversary of the city of Samarinda to 320 on January 21, 1980

    Geographical Location

    The city is the capital city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, which borders directly with Regency. Samarinda astronomically located at a position between 116 ° 15'36 "-117 ° 24'16" east longitude and 0 ° 21'18 "- 1 ° 09'16" south latitude, with an altitude of 10 200 cm above the sea surface and air temperature city between 22 - 32 ° C with rainfall reaching 2345 mm per year with an average humidity 81.4%.

    The existence of the Mahakam River which divides in the middle of town make this city like a gateway to the interior of East Kalimantan. Samarinda Area is 71,800 hectares which is divided into 6 (six) Districts namely: Sub Samarinda Ulu, Kecamatan Ilir Samarinda, Samarinda Seberang District Palaran District and River District Kunjang.

    Soil Type

    In accordance with climatic conditions in the city of Samarinda is classified in type humida tropical climate, the soil types found in even this area belong to the land that reacts sourly.

    The types of land located in the city of Samarinda, according to USDA Soil Taxanomy classified into soil types: Ultisol, Entisol, histosols, Inceptiols and Mollisol or when in the Soil Research Institute Bogor consist of soil types: Podsolic, Alluvial, Organosol.

    Characteristics and properties of soils Podsolic (Ultisol) is usually characterized by:
    1. Intensive leaching of bases, so that the soil reacts with wry and low base saturation.
    2. Due to a high enough temperature and washing ongoing result of weathering of secondary clay minerals and oxide-oxide.
    3. Clay leaching occurs in the upper layer (eluviasi) and accumulation of clay in the layer beneath it (illuviasi).
    Podsolic soil (Ultisol) soil types that their area is the widest in Samarinda and still available for development as agricultural areas. Water supplies in the area is generally in short supply of high rainfall. The use of the land of this type of soil as an agricultural area, usually allows the production of good in the first few years during nutrient elements on the surface is not depleted through biocycle process.

    After the PP. 38 of 1996 published, the administrative area of Dati II Samarinda Municipality experienced expansion, originally consisted of 4 sub-districts to 6 districts, namely:
    1. District Kunjang
    2. District Samarinda Ulu
    3. District North Samarinda
    4. District Samarinda Ilir
    5. District Samarinda Seberang
    6. District Palaran
    Expansion of district re-done along with a fairly rapid population growth and increasing community service. Sub-districts in Samarinda which originally numbered 6, is now divided into 10 districts. 4 district results of the division include:
    1. Sub Samarinda City
    2. Kecamatan Ilir JANAN Loa
    3. Sub Remarks
    4. Kecamatan Sungai Pinang
    Inauguration of districts was held on December 28, 2010.
    So, Samarinda administratively divided into 10 districts and 53 wards.

    Nature tourism
    1. Botanical Garden Unmul Samarinda
    2. Pampang Cultural Village
    3. Captive Crocodile
    4. Samarinda Sarong
    5. Waterfall Tanah Merah
    6. Stone Besaung Sempaja
    7. Dam Benanga
    8. Green Valley
    9. Pagar Alam
    10. High Waterfall
    11. Young Hole Waterfall
    12. Graveyard Daeng Mangkona
    13. Temikat Samarinda Sarong
    14. Batik of East Kalimantan
    Potential For Trade
    The growth of trade business in the city of Samarinda from year to year has increased rapidly elbow. Advanced trading activities are marked by the increasing number of existing activities in a city, as a example of the market, shop / kiosk, and street vendors.

    In the city of Samarinda there are a lot of shops / stalls and street vendors are concentrated in markets that exist in the city of Samarinda. In 2003 the number of shops / stalls and street vendors as much as 3822 pieces of fruit sebayak 2262, the year 2004 the number of shops / stalls and street vendors as much as 3822 pieces of fruit sebayak 2189, the year 2005 the number of shops / stalls and street vendors as much as 4554 pieces of fruit sebayak 2072, and in 2006 the number of store / kiosks and street vendors as much as 5744 pieces of fruit sebayak 2150.

    Companies trading in the city of Samarinda grouped into 5 types, Limited Liability Company (PT), Cooperation, Fellowship Commanditaire (CV), Individual, and Other Companies Form (BPL). Companies trading in Samarinda listed in the list of mark list of companies from 2003 to 2006 increased significantly. In 2003 as many as 821 companies, as many as 995 companies in 2004, the year 2005 as many as 1301 companies, and in 2006 as many as 1217 so that the average annual increase of 99 companies listed in the list marks the company list.

    While the number of markets in the city of Samarinda in 2006 constituted 29 market, which is divided in 21 markets and 8 modern market. Sub Samarinda Ilir has 13 fruit market, Samarinda Ulu has 2 market, North Samarinda has 3 fruit market, Kunjang River has 2 market, Samarinda Seberang has 7 markets and Palaran has 2 market.


    Development in agriculture, the government of Samarinda more optimization strategy of agricultural resources through the intensification of agricultural resources. The development of productivity of paddy, maize and vegetables, as noted above indicates that the efforts expended by the city government needs to be increased again proven to contribute to the growth of total production of paddy, maize and vegetables in the city of Samarinda.

    Then it can be described on average production of paddy, maize and vegetables during 2003 to 2006, while the measurement is based on the total crop production. The development of performance indicators.


    Plantation development is part of the forestry and plantation sectors in Samarinda aims to increase people's income in the suburbs or rural areas. Plantation development in the city of Samarinda in addition aims to alleviate poverty in rural areas, improve land conservation and creating new employment opportunities.

    The development of plantation production period of 2002 to 2006 includes some commodities are rubber, coconut, chocolate and coffee.


    Developments in Marine and Fisheries Sector yaang merukan ungulan sector for economic growth of Samarinda.

    Currently, fisheries production has been developed to ensure the availability of nutrients and food for the community, increase the diversity of fishery products, including ornamental fish, valued and highly competitive, increasing exports, and improving incomes and welfare of small fishing communities, especially fishermen.


    Samarinda is a non-forestry cultivation area, meaning no production forest area in the city of Samarinda.

    The number of processed timber production consists of several types including: plywood, sawn wood, molding, blook board and other types of production, which during the period 2003 to 2006 shows the condition of the development as follows: Total production in 2003 amounted to 1,778,274 , 16 m3, m3 in 2004 amounted to 1,659,882.12, in 2005 amounted to 1,445,010.00 m3, and in 2006 amounted to 955,741.61 m3. From these developments indicate that the development of processed timber production from 2003 to 2006 a decline in production of 822,532.55 m3, this is because of government policy in forestry sector leading to reduced supply of wood raw material processed.
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