Friday, April 29, 2011

Kendari | Kendari City

    Southeast Sulawesi is a province in Indonesia that beribukotakan Kendari.

    Southeast Sulawesi Province is located in the peninsula of Sulawesi, is geographically located in the south of the equator between 02 ° 45 '- 06 ° 15' south latitude and 120 ° 45 '- 124 ° 30' east longitude and has a land area covering 38,140 km ² (3.814 million ha) and sea (sea) area of 110,000 km ² (11 million ha).

    Southeast Sulawesi was originally a name of one of regencies in South Sulawesi Tenggara with smells as the district capital. Southeast Sulawesi defined as autonomous regions based on Regulation No. 2 in 1964 Juncto Law. 13 of 1964. Initially consisting of 4 (four) districts, namely: Kendall County, District Kolaka, Muna and Buton regency with smells as its capital city. However, for some reason turned into the provincial capital of Kendari. After expansion, the South East has 10 districts and 2 cities.

    In 1990 the population of Southeast Sulawesi, approximately 1,349,619 inhabitants. Then in 2000 increased to 1,776,292 people and based on the National Economic Social Survey 2005, Central Bureau of Statistics is the number of 1,959,414 inhabitants.

    Southeast Sulawesi population growth rate during 1990-2000 was 2.79% per annum and in 2004-2005 to 0.02%. [citation needed] The rate of population growth by district during the period 2004-2005 only city of Kendari and Muna showed positive growth, namely 0.03% and 0.02% per year, while other districts showed negative growth.

    Southeast Sulawesi population age structure in 2005, people aged under 15 years of 700,433 people (35.75%) of the total population, while the female population reached 984,987 inhabitants (20:27%) and male population reached 974,427 people (49.73% .)

    The formation of Kendari Kendari Bay begins with the opening of a port for traders, especially the Bajo and Bugis traders who came to trade while living around the Gulf of Kendari. This phenomenon is also supported by socio-political and security conditions in the area of origin of both these tribes in the kingdom Luwu and the Kingdom of Bone.

    At the beginning of the 19th century up to the visit Vosmaer (a Dutchman) in 1831, Kendari is a dump goods (transit ports). Trading activities mostly done by Bajo and Bugis people who hold the earth from the hinterland and from around the Bay of Tolo (Central Sulawesi). The goods are then sent to Makassar or to the western region of the archipelago came to Singapore.

    The first written news Kendari obtained from the writings Vosmaer (1839) who visited the Gulf Kendall for the first time on May 9, 1831, and make maps of Kendari Bay. Since it is known by the name of Kendari Bay Vosmaer's Baai (Gulf Vosmaer). Vosmaer later founded the Lodge (Loji = trade office) on the north side of Kendari Bay. In 1832 Vosmaer build houses for the King Laiwoi named Tebau, which had previously settled in Lepo, lepo.

    Referring to the information, then Kendari existing at the beginning of the 19th century, and officially became the capital of the Kingdom of Laiwoi in 1832, marked by emigration Laiwoi Kingdom palace in the vicinity of the Gulf of Kendari and thus, as the capital of Kendari old about 176 years, and it has existed long before the historical development of society in the city of Kendari today.

    Kendari city in various dimensions can be said is quite old. It is based on several sources, both orally and in documentation. If the city of Kendari views of its function, it can be called a city of trade, the port city, and town center of the kingdom. Kendari city as the city's oldest trade is a function of both the oral sources of gob Bugis and Bajo and in Lontara 'Bajo, and the source of the Dutch writer (Vosmaer, 1839) and British author (Heeren, 1972) state that the voyagers Bugis and Bajo has conducted activities trade in the Gulf of Kendall in the late 18th century demonstrated the existence of the two ethnic settlements around Kendari Bay at the beginning of the 19th century. As a function of the port city can be said at the beginning of the 19th century, following the function of the central city of Kendari as Laiwoi Kingdom in 1832 when construction of the king's palace in the vicinity of Kendari Bay.

    At the time of death then Mokole Konawe Lakidende Tebau Sapati RanomeEto already mengaggap ourselves as the kingdom itself off from the kingdom Konawe, and since then also Tebau Sapati RanameEto coming into contact with the Dutch who then at the time the Dutch arrived in the region was held RanomeEto agreement with the Dutch in 1858 that signed by the "king Lamanggu Laiwoi" and in the Netherlands was signed by the AA DeVries on behalf of the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies. And in 1906 Kendari harbor that was once known as the "Bajo Village" was opened to the Dutch ships. Thus flows Tiong Hoa merchants came to Kendall. Transportation road was built to kepedalaman. King was given the title of King Van Laiwoi and people began to make settlements in resetle lane highway. Kendall gradually built a city and places of domicile Hoofd district.

    Kendari the days of Dutch colonial rule is the capital and the capital Onder Afdeling kewedanaan Laiwoi vast territory at that time approximately 31.420 km2. In line with the dynamics of development as a center of trade and inter-island sea port, it continues to grow into the capital Kendari District and included in the region of Southeast Sulawesi Province.

    With the release of Act number 13 of 1964 and formed the province of Southeast Sulawesi's provincial capital of Kendari defined as consisting of two (2) the District and Sub District Kendall MandongaDistricts with an area of 76.760 km2.

    Based on Government Regulation number 19 year 1978 determined to be Kendall City Administrative City which includes 3 (three) District with a total area of 187.990 km2, which includes the District Kendall, District and Sub Poasia MandongaDistricts.

    Livestock and Fisheries

    During the period 2004-2005 cattle population increased from 2226 to 2249 head or tail rose 1.03 percent, buffaloes rose from 23 to 31 head or tail rose 34.78 percent. Small livestock population by district during the period 2004-2005 are goats increased from 2204 to 2471 head or tail rose 12.11 percent per year. The development of the poultry population during the period of 2004-2005 increased from 639,520 to 657,525 head or tail rose 2.82 percent per year.

    The number of big livestock slaughtered and meat production in 2005 were 6149 tail or increased by 0.87 percent from 2004. The number of small livestock slaughtered and meat production in 2005 as many as 782 head or up 13.83 percent from 2004. The number of slaughtered livestock and poultry production in 2005 were 810,833 head, a rise of 13.81 percent compared to 2004. Production of poultry eggs in 2005 recorded 1,158,135 points, a rise of 10.33 percent compared to 2004

    Fisheries development in Kota Kendari include marine fisheries (water) and aquaculture (ponds and pools). In 2005 the total area of arable farms registered 197 ha or 74.90 percent of the total area of potential pond, while the pool area of 56.25 ha of arable recorded or 11.25 percent of the total area of the potential pool.

    The production of fish in 2005 recorded an increase of 93.98 tons of 4.92 percent compared to 2004. The output of fish is composed of marine fishery production 25.487.74 tons (99.63 percent) and aquaculture 93.98 tons (0.37 percent), while the sale value of land fishery production in 2005 amounted to USD 1.829.1 million or increased 5.99 percent compared to 2004. The contribution of the earthen dam 100 percent of the total value of aquaculture production.
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