Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pontianak City | Recreation Pontianak City

    Pontianak City is the capital of West Kalimantan province in Indonesia. The city is also known as Khun Tien by ethnic Chinese in Pontianak.

    The city is famous as the city passed the Equator as zero degrees latitude of the earth. In the northern town, exactly Siantan, there is a monument or a monument built on the Equator right place through zero degrees latitude of the earth. In addition Pontianak also traversed the Kapuas River is the longest river in Indonesia. Kapuas River divides the city of Pontianak, symbol immortalized as a symbol of the City of Pontianak.

    Origin name

    Pontiac trusted name had something to do with the fairy tale Abdurrahman Sharif who often plagued by ghosts Kuntilanak when he walked 1100 miles along the Kapuas River, the longest river in Indonesia. According to the story, Abdurrahman Sharif was forced to open fire cannon to drive away ghosts and signifies where the cannon had fallen, so that's where the empire was founded. Cannon shot fell through the junction and Sungai Kapuas River Hedgehogs are now better known as Shelf Kampong Bugis Pontianak In the East or the city of Pontianak.

    Geography and administrative divisions

    Pontianak is located on the trajectory line of the Equator with an altitude ranging between 0.10 meters to 1.50 meters above sea level. The city is separated by the Great Kapuas River, Kapuas River and Little River Hedgehog. Thus Pontianak divided into three parts.

    The structure of urban land is a former peat deposits Kapuas Mud River. New clay layer is achieved at a depth of 2.4 meters from sea level. City of Pontiac, including a tropical climate with high temperatures (28-32 ° C and by day 30 ° C).

    The average relative humidity in the Pontianak area maximum 99.58% and a minimum 53% with an average minimum of 53% solar radiation and maximum 73%.

    The amount of rainfall in Pontianak city ranged from 3000-4000 mm per year. The biggest rainfall (wet months) falls in May and October, while the lowest rainfall (dry months) fell in July. The number of rainy days per month on average range from 15 days.

    Administratively, the city of Pontianak divided into several districts, namely: South Pontianak, Pontianak Timur, Pontianak West, North Pontianak, Pontianak Pontianak City and the Southeast.

    Public and private universities
    • Tanjungpura University
    • Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
    • Universitas Panca Bhakti
    • STAIN Pontianak
    • Pontiac State Polytechnic
    • Widya Dharma University Pontianak

    Pontianak Tourism is supported by the cultural diversity of the population of Pontianak, the Dayak, Malay and Chinese. Dayak tribe has an abundance of gratitude for the harvest feast which is called Naik Dango and the Chinese community has a feast of Chinese New Year celebration and worship the grave (or Kuo Cheng Beng ciet) having attractive tourist value.

    Pontianak is also crossed by the equator is marked with a monument on the Equator north of Pontianak. In addition, the city of Pontiac also has a vision to make Pontiac a city with river tourism.
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