Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mataram City | Tourism Mataram city

    Mataram City
    Mataram city is a city and became the capital of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Effect of Traditional and Indigenous Bali Sasak coloring enough people in this city.


    On the island of Lombok was ruled by kings, King of Mataram in 1842 conquered the kingdom of Pagesangan. A year later in 1843 conquered the kingdom Kahuripan. Then be moved to the capital of the Kingdom of Cakranegara with engraving Kawi on behalf of King's Palace.

    King of Mataram (Lombok) in addition to well-known wealthy is king skilled urban spatial structure, carrying out population census kingdom by asking all residents to collect needles. Population of men and women will be recognized by color ties the rope on the needles that delivered.

    After the king of Mataram fall by the Dutch although it should be paid handsomely, with the death of Gen.. P.P.H. van Ham (monument is on the Coral Jangkong), Inbound started implementing the system of government under Afdeling duumvirate Bali, Lombok, based in Singaraja, Bali.

    Lombok Island in government duumvirate divided into 3 (three) Onder section, from the colonial as a representative called the controller and from the region called the Head of the Local Government (PPP) to the level Kedistrikan. The three administrative regions are still called West Lombok (West Lombok), Lombok Middle (Central Lombok) and East Lombok (East Lombok), led by a controller and head of the Local Government (KPS).

    To the West Lombok (West Lombok) oversees the 7 (seven) administrative region that includes the West Ampenan Kedistrikan in Dasan Agung, Kedistrikan Ampenan Tmur in Narmada, Kedistrikan Bayan Bayan in Belek, Assistant District Gondang in Gondang, Kedistrikan Cape in Cape, Kedistrikan Gerung in Gerung, and Kepunggawaan Cakranegara in Mayura.


    Mataram city has topographic region is at an elevation of less than 50 meters above sea level (asl) with a height range as far as 9 km, is located on 08 ° 33 '- 08 ° 38' south latitude and 116 ° 04 '- 116 ° 10'E. East. Mataram city geological structure is mostly clay and soil type tuff deposits which are alluvial sediments derived from the activities of Mount Rinjani, visually looks like a slab of stone, while underneath there is a layer of sand.

    Temperatures in the city of Mataram ranged from 20.4 ° C to 32.10 ° C. Maximum Humidity 92% occurred in January, April, October and November, while the minimum humidity 67% occurred in October. The average maximum solar radiation in February. While the highest number of rainy days occur in November as many as 27 days, with average rainfall reached 1256.66 mm per year, and the number of days relative to 110 days per year.


    Mataram city is being turned into a tourism city. Some lodging facilities, for example: Hotel Lombok Raya Hotel Grand Legi, Nitour Hotels, Hotel Chandra, and Hotel Hand. Some interesting places worth visiting, among others, Chinese Cemetery Bintaro, Taman Mayura, Pura Meru, Pura Segara, Museum of West Nusa Tenggara, Loang Baloq, Old Town Ampenan, Senggigi Beach, Kute Beach Lombok, Island Lights, Gili Meno, Gili Air , and Gili Trawangan. The city also has many shopping centers, for example Mataram Mall, Craft Centre and Ampenan Pagesangan Pearl Bright Cheerful
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