Friday, April 29, 2011

Gorontalo Province

    Gorontalo is a province that to-32 in Indonesia. Previously Gorontalo Regency Gorontalo is a region and municipality in Gorontalo North Sulawesi. Along with the emergence of regional divisions with respect to regional autonomy, the province is then established based on Law No. 38 of 2000, dated December 22, 2000.

    Gorontalo province located in northern Sulawesi island or in the western part of North Sulawesi. The total area of the province is 11,257.07 km ² with a population of 930.060 inhabitants (based on the gubernatorial race in 2006), with a population density 83 people / km ². Acting Governor of Gorontalo first is Drs. Tursandi Alwi who inaugurated the opening of Gorontalo province on February 16, 2001. This date was later, though still controversial, celebrated as the anniversary of the province of Gorontalo to the present (2010).

    Geographical Location

    Gorontalo province is located in the northern part of Sulawesi Island, precisely at 0.19 '- 1.15' N and 121.23 '-123.43' east longitude. Its location is very strategic, because flanked by 2 waters (Tomini Bay in the south and the Celebes Sea in the north) and 2 KAPET (Tepadu Economic Zones), namely: KAPET Bitui, Central Sulawesi and KAPET Bitung, North Sulawesi.
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