Thursday, April 28, 2011

Marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton

    Marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton live counting time. All preparations have been made to welcome the British royal wedding was a family member. Includes practice before they perform their wedding ceremony to be held tomorrow 29 April.

    When arriving at Westminster Abbey on Wednesday night, Prince William and Kate Middleton looked exhibit a smile of happiness .. Their presence was to undergo training wedding ceremony.

    Although, previously has been practicing in the military, but this training is more focused for the prospective bride that is Middleton.

    As quoted from the People, Thursday, April 28, 2011, Williams was wearing gray suits, while Middleton wore a black dress. They look out of a Range Rover car when the sun began to sink.

    Besides the bride and groom, there are also younger brother William, Prince Harry and his younger Middleton, Pippa Middleton in the other car. They are flanked by two police officers who use motorcycles.

    According to some reports, it is the last practice before the wedding day. The event was kept very tight. At the event, several officers rushed out of the side door. They blocked the streets near the cathedral in order to stop the vehicle.

    "Everything stopped. And then of people jumping and so many people can barely move. All people want to see them. William and Middleton escorted through a side door," said Cindy Rockwell from Lake Oswego.

    The couple was in Westminster Abbey for 90 minutes. Then they left the place. William came home while Middleton was taken to a special room of the royal family who was at the Hotel Göring. The room cost U.S. $ 8 thousand hotels,.
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