Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kupang City

    Kupang City
    Kota Kupang is the capital of East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. The total area is 180.27 km ² with a population of approximately 450,000 inhabitants (2010). This area is divided into 6 districts and 45 villages.

    Culinary Tours

    The city is saving a lot of charm, especially fans of seafood. Tourists visiting the city are usually impressed with the grilled fish of large size with a relatively cheap price. Enjoyed with a Sambal Kupang typical, of course tourists will immediately promised myself: "one day, the beta will come back again". Also, squid and shrimp fresh out sweet aroma when burned very inviting taste. Besides, tourists will also be presented with one of specialties of Kupang, the "corn bose". This food is made from a mixture of corn and vegetables and whole grains (usually green beans and peanuts). There is also "flesh se'i", ie beef or pork are smoked and mixed with milk, salt and spices so that it seems there is a sweet and salty. The city also has the charm of tourism because it has beautiful white sand beaches and beautiful blue sea. Since the last few years become subscription stopover international sailboat race participants.

    One more unique is the seller of roasted corn that stretched along the sidewalk on the street El Tari (in front of the Governor's Office) became a favorite place of young people Kupang.
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