Saturday, April 30, 2011

Canary Bird Treatment

    Surely we can see that domestic animals have "feelings". If the canary in need with the calm and gentle all the time, long time - long (in a relatively short time) this bird will yield to a certain confidence to those who maintain it.

    This bird can learn quickly to see who fills their food, who was cleaning his drink and who gave him vegetables. Once the sense of easy confidence, so the canary can be trained to perch on our fingers or the palm of our hands. Surely this must be with the exercise, which can be set by using food as is typical for a circus animal trainer to train animals.

    Dealing with these birds do need peace, with gentle movements are always controlled. In this manner there are those who argue that memeliliara canary can be a nerve controlling drug for the fans. This is certainly true for canary fans who handle food and take care of this yourself. Not the model of the bird enthusiasts who gave the food and maintenance to someone else, such as domestic servants

    By submitting everything to someone else, certainly not
    have a relationship with pet behavior itu.Rasa nervous or nervous, feeling irritated or uncontrollable movement, which emerged suddenly in human beings is not favored by the animal. Secrets of success of a good keeper in the maintenance treatment of animals in addition to the soft terludap this bird, canary memerukan other treatments. Here, a treatment of the beak and nails done penlu. Kenani Bird will get a chance to sharpen lung one year we will know how long normal nail. Normal nail length canary 5 mm. hnya if it provided the bone fish-squid that can be purchased at a bird market. And there canary food and abroad who deliberately compressed, so the birds have mencukil with its beak. In some degree this food to help sharpen its beak. Besides half, nails are often animals that have long eukup sepantasnyalah if cut. If we have a canary bird and abroad who wears a ring, we will know the age and the bird. New and old bird

    Adult birds that have been classified as old scales will have legs stiff and tenlihat less attractive. This is normal. Canary not only 'shed, but his skin is replaced, so the scale of the rigid legs that will replace the bad. Bird bath got a lot of opportunities are generally faster to replace the rigid scales-scales on the legs and the scales of the new jar has actually been available in the layer underneath. If the old scales Iapisan too hard and t
    These circumstances are steps you can take it soak feet in warm water or warm oil. When using oil should be very careful lest the feathers, this mode will soften the hard scales so easily separated. All kinds of beauty cream or skin cream can be used to lubricate stiff scales. You do this by applying a cream-apply it to the foot / finger bird. To be clean and the scales will by itself will fall.

    Canary like a shower, then penlu given a chance to shower. In our country, which belongs to the heat, the chance for a big bath, and the bird needs a bath too Besan. Bird does not need to be bathed every day, although like the bathroom every day. Bathroom habits will keep going in the rainy season, so we need to pay attention to weather conditions during the wash of these birds. The important thing to note is at once the bird is still wet se

    Bathing is very important especially when the birds had feathers instead. For this bath will speed the process of change of feather, so said the ornithologist. Shower at left are in the cage. Once the water is replaced (necessary, replacement of 2 x daily) would have a direct bird bath. It certainly puts a bath in the cage must have happened in the summer only.

    Birds bathing time, some way can be done. There are ways in which the bath placed in a cage, or linked to the door of the cage (this model has started to sell in the market). And there are other ways in which the birds moved to a cage specially designed for bathrooms. The important thing here is that the bath is small enough not to restrict freedom tenlalu motion. Among the creators of animal, the bath is tenlalu pembenian assessed torturing small animals. So ba k bath big enough for a canary to berukur of 6 x 12 cm with a depth of 3 cm, 2 cm-high water for bathing birds already eukup it freely.

    Bird bath can be performed in the morning or late afternoon han. What is important is the sun rays and heat. reason that bathing and drying the bird in the morning is more beneficial because the sun's heat from hour 7 to 9 am still not dangerous.
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