Thursday, April 28, 2011

Animals | Horse | Horse Racing

    Horse (Equus caballus or Equus Ferus caballus) is one of ten modern species of mammals of the genus Equus. This animal has long been one of important livestock economically, and has played an important role in transporting people and goods for thousands of years. Horses can be ridden by a man using a saddle and can also be used to draw something, such as wheeled vehicles or plows. In some areas, horses are also used as a food source. Although the horse farm is estimated to have been started since the year 4500 BC, evidence of human use of horses for the purposes of the new found there since 2000 BC.
    horse evolved to become a horse like this now. ranging from changes in his fingers that now only one result of natural selection.

    In the Java language called horse, called a rare Makassar Language.

    The horses are mild, such as the Arabian horse, Morgan, Quarter Horse, Paint and Thoroughbred weight can reach about 590 kg. Horses are "heavy" or load horses, such as the Clydesdale, Draft, Percheron, and Shire weight can reach up to 907 kg.

    Conditions such as general hoof disease or acute laminitus briefly described in horses, but you also find some useful information such as the anatomy of a horse's hoof.

    Importance to know the horse's foot disease can not be exaggerated. That's what the animal is dependent on his four legs good is the fact that has long been recognized.

    Who, indeed, whether there can be found not at all familiar with one or another of the famous aphorisms like: 'Whoever has the cost of the horse's legs have a whole body treatment, ''Just as a horse without a head as the horse with no legs', or, perhaps more known, and certainly more epigrammatic 'No foot, no horse'.

    The material presented in this site are provided for educational and informational purposes only. Decisions regarding the health and welfare of your horse should be made only after consulting with a veterinarian with whom the client-patient relationship, a valid veterinarian determined.

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