Thursday, April 28, 2011

Corporate Strategy

    Making the strategy is important for the organization or company because it can:
    • Provide a reasonable basis for the decisions that will make us focus in the right direction
    • Help us avoid the "tortuous path" that might tempt us to move towards the wrong
    • Strengthen our mission and vision
    • Memmtun the collective agreement in terms of direction as that contributed by the various elements of our organization
    • Save time and effort
    • Improve return on investment
    • Increasing interest in shareholder
    • Provide clear direction for the important stakeholders
    Stakeholders are referred to here includes internal stakeholders that include board members, staff, and members of the company, and external stakeholders that include the clients (the old, present, and future), the former council, staff and members, donors, community leaders , competitors, potential peer cooperation, and other bodies related to corporate interests.

    The company's strategy is a comprehensive master plan for the company stating how the company will achieve its mission and objectives. In the strategy he tried meniaksimalkan konipetitifnya excellence and minimize competitive disadvantages. For it usually takes 3 types of strategies.
    The three types of strategies that are korperat or corporate strategy (corporate strategy); strateggi business (Business strategy), and functional strategy (Functional strategy).

    Strategy korperat or company is a business strategy that focuses on what is really wanted and how they work at that business should be held. Korperat strategy is an effort to leverage the strength of our organization for a better and more efficient than our competitors; (Ohmae). The strategy outlines the direction korperat explain who want to target companies that reflected the general attitude of the company in improving its growth and how the management of various business and the types of products under its management. Corporate strategy is oriented to the stability, growth or decline. Company's corporate strategy or set at the top management level and refers to the selection of business fields that need to be run and how the allocation of resources in the fields of business for the purpose company as a whole can be achieved.

    Business strategy or business is a strategy that focuses on how companies benefit strategy and how it should nienggunakan profit strategy to win the competition. Business strategy is usually made on tingakat business unit or product, and he emphasized the improvement of the competitive position of products or services provided by corporate or industry specific market segments which are the responsibility of the business. Business strategy is oriented to the ability of competitive or cooperative. Business strategy or business is determining the direction of development and ways to compete in the business / industry. Business strategy is an outline or direction that you want to do to compete.

    Functional strategy is an approach which is based on certain functional areas to achieve corporate objectives and specific business unit by maximizing resource productivity. He was interested in developing and creating a stand out for help from the company's competitive advantage or a specific business unit. The strategy can be shaped trace the behavior or conduct technology leadership in the field with innovative technologies. Functional strategies have a narrower scope again and Sebagimana name suggests, the strategy at this level refers to the functional activities of a business (operations, marketing, human resources and so on). Functional strategy is the operationalization of business strategy that has been established previously.
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