Friday, April 29, 2011

South Kalimantan | History of South Kalimantan

    South Kalimantan
    History of Government in South Kalimantan is expected to begin when standing Kingdom Tanjung Puri around 5-6 century AD. The kingdom was located quite strategically in Feet Meratus Mountains and on the banks of major rivers that later became the city is quite advanced. Tanjung Puri Kingdom also called Kingdom Kahuripan, a well-known as the first container hybridization, namely tribal mixing with all its components. After that stood royal Dipa State built the nomads of Java.

    In the 14th century appeared the Kingdom of Daha State that has the elements of Javanese culture, due to silting of the river in the territory of Dipa. An attack from Java to destroy the kingdom of this Dipa. To save, a new dynasty Maharaja leader Sari Kaburangan immediately ascended the throne and moved the seat of government to the downstream direction, namely towards the sea in Muhara Rampiau. Dipa country spared from total destruction, even to organize themselves into large with the name of the State Daha with the king as the main leader. Daha State finally suffered a setback with the emergence of power struggles that took place since Prince Samudra lift arms of the estuary, as well as build a house for the governor who was in the estuaries.

    The main leader of the governor named STILL. While the residence of the STILL called BANDARMASIH. Raden Ocean palace built on the banks of the river to the governor STILL Kuwin them. The city was later named BANJARMASIN, which is derived from the word BANDARMASIH.

    Banjarmasin kingdom developed into a major maritime kingdom until the late 18th century. History changed when the Dutch destroyed the palace of Banjar in 1612 by the king when it Panembahan Marhum Banjarmasin, the center moved to the Wood royal Tangi, which is now known as the city Martapura.

    Early 19th century, England began to look Kalimantan after the Dutch expelled 1809. Two years later put the resident to Banjarmasin namely Alexander Hare. But its power is not long, because the Netherlands again.

    A new chapter begins with the history of South Kalimantan, the rise of people against the Dutch. Prince Antasari emerge as the leader of a courageous people. He died on October 11, 1862, then the tribes formed the Kingdom of Banjarmasin PEGUSTIAN as a continuation, which finally abolished Marsose Malay Dutch army, while Sultan Muhammad Seman who became its leader slain in battle. Since then South Kalimantan controlled entirely by the Dutch.

    This area is divided into a number of department, namely Banjarmasin, Amuntai and Martapura. Furthermore, based on an organic division of Indisch Staatsblad 1913, South Kalimantan is divided into two section, namely Banjarmasin and Upper River. Also formed in 1938 with capital of Banjarmasin Borneo Gouverment and First Governor dr. Haga.

    After Indonesian independence, the Kalimantan province made its own with the Governor Ir. Prince Mohammed Noor. The history of governance in South Kalimanatn also characterized by the formation of the Navy organization of the Republic of Indonesia (ALRI) Division IV in Mojokerto, East Java, uniting forces and fighters from Kalimantan are located in Java.

    With the signing of the Treaty Linggarjati cause separate from the Republic of Indonesian Borneo. In these circumstances ALRI IV leader takes steps to sovereignty Kalimantan as part of Indonesia, through a proclamation signed by Governor Hasan Basry ALRI in Kandangan May 17, 1949 that it declared that the people of Indonesia in South Kalimantan Governor proclaimed the establishment of government soldiers surrounding the entire region ALRI South Kalimantan. The county declared as part of the territory according to the Proclamation kemerdekaaan RI August 17, 1945. Efforts are made is considered as an attempt counter for the establishment by the Dutch Council of Banjar.

    Following the return of Indonesia to form a unitary state government lives in the area also suffered penataaan. In the region of Borneo, the arrangement of which include solving the 3 provinces of Kalimantan respectively West Kalimantan, and South East as outlined in Law No.25 of 1956.

    Under Act No.21 of 1957, most areas west and north regions of South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan Province made. While the Law No.27 of 1959 separates the northern part of the District Kotabaru and bring it into the power of East Kalimantan Province. Since then the South Kalimantan Province is no longer experiencing changes in the region, and remains as is. The Law No.25 of 1956 which is the basis for the establishment of South Kalimantan Province was then amended by Law No.10 of 1957 and Law No.27 of 1959.
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