Friday, April 29, 2011

South East Sulawesi

    South East Sulawesi
    Southeast Sulawesi is a province in Indonesia that beribukotakan Kendari.

    Southeast Sulawesi Province is located in the peninsula of Sulawesi, is geographically located in the south of the equator between 02 ° 45 '- 06 ° 15' south latitude and 120 ° 45 '- 124 ° 30' east longitude and has a land area covering 38,140 km ² (3.814 million ha) and sea (sea) area of 110,000 km ² (11 million ha).

    Southeast Sulawesi was originally a name of one of regencies in South Sulawesi Tenggara with smells as the district capital. Southeast Sulawesi defined as autonomous regions based on Regulation No. 2 in 1964 Juncto Law. 13 of 1964. Initially consisting of 4 (four) districts, namely: Kendall County, District Kolaka, Muna and Buton regency with smells as its capital city. However, for some reason turned into the provincial capital of Kendari. After expansion, the South East has 10 districts and 2 cities.

    In 1990 the population of Southeast Sulawesi, approximately 1,349,619 inhabitants. Then in 2000 increased to 1,776,292 people and based on the National Economic Social Survey 2005, Central Bureau of Statistics is the number of 1,959,414 inhabitants.

    Southeast Sulawesi population growth rate during 1990-2000 was 2.79% per annum and in 2004-2005 to 0.02%. [citation needed] The rate of population growth by district during the period 2004-2005 only city of Kendari and Muna showed positive growth, namely 0.03% and 0.02% per year, while other districts showed negative growth.

    Southeast Sulawesi population age structure in 2005, people aged under 15 years of 700,433 people (35.75%) of the total population, while the female population reached 984,987 inhabitants (20:27%) and male population reached 974,427 people (49.73% .)
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