Wednesday, April 27, 2011

West Nusa Tenggara | Converted to Islam to the West Nusa Tenggara

    West Nusa Tenggara
    West Nusa Tenggara is a province of Indonesia. As the name implies, this province includes the western part of Nusa Tenggara Islands. The two largest islands in the province is located in west Lombok and Sumbawa, located in the east. This provincial capital is the city of Mataram in Lombok Island.

    Most of the population comes from ethnic Sasak Lombok, Bima and Sumbawa, while the tribe is the largest ethnic group on the island of Sumbawa. The majority of the population is Muslim West Nusa Tenggara (96%).


    Reconstructs the history of the Kingdom Selaparang changed from a historical building is intact and presumably require a thorough assessment of the depth. The problem mainly lies in the availability of historical sources Appropriate and adequate. The sources That exists today, Such as the Chronicle and others require the selection and sorting with a valid and reliable criteria. What is contained in this simple inscription May still invite debate. Therefore, as far as there are differences in the disclosure of the which appeared as the picture Would Remains to be ditelusurl sebagal leblh ianjut material assessment.

    Kinda hard to make a compromise interpretation to find the third red thread above description. The lack of historical sources the reason for the Inevitable.

    According Then Djelenga (2004), records the history of the kingdoms in Lombok a more meaningful starting from the entry of an expedition under the Majapahit through MPU Nala in the year 1343 as the implementation of the Palapa Oath Supreme Patih Gajah Mada is then forwarded with its own inspection of Gajah Mada in 1352.

    This expedition, continued Djelenga, leaving a trail Gelgel kingdom in Bali. While in Lombok in its development, leaving a trail of four major kingdoms are brothers, namely the Kingdom of Bayan in the west, the Kingdom Selaparang in the East, the Kingdom Langko in the middle and the Kingdom Pejanggik in the south. In addition to the four kingdoms, there are small kingdoms, such as Parwa and prop as well as some small villages, such as Pujut, Tempit, Kedaro, Stone Dendeng, Kuripan and Kentawang. The whole kingdom and the village then became an independent territory after the Majapahit empire collapsed.

    In between the kingdom and the village's most prominent and most famous is the kingdom, based in Labuhan Lombok Lombok. Mentioned city Lombok Lombok is located on a beautiful bay and has a lot of fresh water sources. This situation makes it much visited by traders from Palembang, Banten, Gresik and Sulawesi.

    The entry of Islam

    When the Kingdom is led by King Rangkesari, Prince Prapen, son of Sunan Giri Queen came to convert the kingdom of Lombok. In the Babad Lombok mentioned, this is an effort of pengislaman Raden Paku or Sunan Giri Queen of coarse sand, Surabaya, who ordered the kings of East Java and Palembang to spread Islam to various areas in the archipelago.

    "Susuhnii Queen Giri ordered a new belief spread to all corners. Dilembu my friend Rat sent with the army to Banjarmasin, Datu bandan was sent to Makassar, Tidore, Seram and Galeier and Son Susuhunan, Prince Prapen to Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. Prapen first time sailed to Lombok, where by force of arms he was forcing people to embrace Islam. After completing his duty, Prapen sailed to Sumbawa and Bima. However, during its absence, because women still adhere to Pagan beliefs, Lombok society back to the pagan ideology. After his victory in Sumbawa and Bima, Prapen back and with the assistance of Sumuliya and Raden Raden Salut, he set a new missionary movement, this time achieving success. Some people ran to the mountains, others were conquered and converted to Islam and some others just conquered. Prapen leave Raden Sumuliya and Raden Salute to maintain the religion of Islam and he himself moved to Bali, where he began negotiations (without success) with Dewa Agung of Klungkung. "

    The process of lawyer-islam's by Sunan Prapen Reap encouraging results, installments Until years later the whole island of Lombok, embraced Islam, except That A Few places still maintain the old customs.

    While in the Kingdom of Lombok, a major policy of King Rangkesari done by moving the center of the kingdom to the village of Banda Patih Selaparang at the proposal and Patih Lion Yuda Yuda. This transfer was carried out on the Grounds Nowhere the Village Selaparang more strategic and not attacked by the enemy Easily Than the previous position.

    Fathurrahman According to Zakaria, the central region of this new kingdom, a beautiful panoramic Alas Strait cans be enjoyed with a blue background mainland from the northern tip of Sumbawa Island to the south with one sweeping view. Thus all the suspicious movement in the middle of the ocean earnest soon be known. Also this area has a rear area of hills and terraced rice fields are built neatly forest Lemor Until the which has abundant water resources.

    Under the leadership of King Rangkesari, Kingdom Selaparang developed into kingdoms that developed in various fields. One is the development of culture which later gave birth to many human beings as the traditional heritage of Lombok today's society. Dutch historian L. C. Van den Berg said that, Kawi language development greatly affects the formation of an agrarian landscape of the mind and the role of intellectuals in political social engineering in the archipelago, Fathurrahman Zakaria (1998) mentions that the intellectual community is very aware Selaparang and Pejanggik Kawi language. Even then can create their own script called jejawen Sasak. With the capital under their control Kawi language, literacy and language Sasak Sasak, then the pujangganya lot of writing, composing, adapting or copying of ancient Javanese man into lontar Sasak. Lontar meant, among other Kotamgama, Lapel Adam, Menak Berji, Rengganis and others. Even the poets are also a lot of copying and adapting the Sufi teachings of the Walisongo, such lontar entitled Jatiswara, Lontar Nursada and Lontar Nurcahya. Even saga-saga Malays too much to be copied and adapted, such as Papyrus Joseph, Hikayat Amir Hamzah, Hikayat Sidik Orphan and so forth.
    By reviewing lontar, according Fathurrahman Zakaria (1998) we will know the basic principles that guide the social engineering political and social culture of the kingdom and its people. In the social field of politics for example, Lontar Kotamgama sheet 6 sheet outlining the nature and attitude of a king or a leader, namely Danta, Danti, Kusuma and Warsa.

    In addition, the existing lontar note that these terms and phrases that terms with the idea and meaning have been used in the field of politics and law, for example, said hanut (using the rights and obligations), tread (stable), overlapping (bertata manners) , trips (orderly), teak (main), Tuhu (seriously), devotion (devotion, loyalty), or separately by (regular). In the economic field, such as itiq (sparingly), Loma (philanthropist), Kencak (skilled) or genem (diligent).

    Progress was made royal kingdom Selaparang Gelgel in Bali was not happy. Gelgel who feel as heir to the Majapahit Kingdom, the Kingdom Selaparang attacks in 1520, but failed.

    Taking a lesson from the failed attack in 1520, cleverly memaanfaatkan Gelgel situasai to infiltrate by sending its people to open settlements and rice fields in the south western side of Lombok are fertile. Even mentioned, Gelgel take a new strategy by sending Dangkiang Nirartha to enter a new ideology of Hindu-Muslim singkretisme. Although not long in Lombok, but his teachings have been able to affect some Islamic religious leaders who recently converted to Islam. But the intention to conquer the Kingdom of the Kingdom Gelgel Selaparang internally stalled because of this Hindu kingdom also experienced stagnation and weakness here and there.
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