Thursday, April 28, 2011

Management and Planning Strategy

    In accordance with the level of duties, authority, and responsibilities, demands the ability to be possessed by the manager primarily on middle managers and top managers is the ability of the strategy. The leadership of the organization according to the role and function as the top managers would not want to, like it or not, it must have the ability to think strategically are seeing an overall problem or area and also be able to anticipate the future. , Although the developments and changes that occur in the Depart difficult fully known and predictable, this does not mean in-kegiaian activities undertaken by the organization should only be reactive only, because if this yarig done it will be many problems to be faced. To support the ability to anticipate these future leaders demanded the ability to think and act strategically. Through this capacity he will be able to prepare plans based on a proper act of a thorough analysis of the status and potential of internal factors and external organizations that have a huge impact in ensuring its effectiveness to face the demands of the future.

    Cannon revealed that an effective business strategy is an essential requirement for companies that succeed in the present and future. Nienunjukkan fact that of all the striking difference between a successful business that does not work, or between companies that lead with a company that just followed, the most important key factor that distinguishes it is the strategy used.

    The description that will be presented in this manuscript is intended to provide knowledge and understanding for the leaders or parties concerned with the process of planning and strategic management of the essential things you need to know in these areas ranging from understanding, reason, benefits, principles principles, factors influencing it and how the management and strategic planning process was conducted.
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