Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jakarta State University | UNJ

    Jakarta State University
    Oregon State University is a state university in Jakarta, Indonesia. Established in 1964,


    After Indonesian independence, the Indonesian government felt the lack of education personnel at all levels and types of educational institutions. To overcome this problem ¬ government established various teacher education courses. Around the 1950s, at the secondary education level above the established BI, B-II, and PGSLP in charge of preparing teachers for secondary schools. Efforts to improve the quality and number of teachers continue to be done through the establishment of Higher Education Teacher
    Education (PTPG) by the government through the Minister of P and K. No. 382/Kab. 1954. PTPG was established in four cities namely Batusangkar, Manado, Bandung and Malang. Thus there are two kinds of educational institutions that produce teachers, ie Course BI / B-II / PGSLP and PTPG. Both institutions are then integrated into an educational institution through various stages. In 1957, PTPG integrated into the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the nearby university. Based on the PP. 51 of 1958 Faculty Paedagogik integrated into FKIP. 
    In 1963, the Ministry of Basic Education was established Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) to produce secondary school teachers, while based on Ministry of P and K. No. 6 and 7, dated February 8, 1961 Course BI and B-II integrated into the Teacher Training and Education (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) under the Ministry of Higher Education which also resulted in a high school teacher. This dualism is felt less effective and disrupt the management of teacher education. To overcome this it is my

    Through the Presidential Decree No. 1 year 1963 dated January 3, 1963, established institutional system integration of teacher education one grain Presidential statement. is that the decree is valid from May 16, 1964, which later declared the day of birth IKIP Jakarta. Guidance and Counseling and the IPG was changed to Teachers' Training College (Institute of Teacher Training and Education). The process of integration of Guidance and Counseling-University of Indonesia and IPG Jakarta, Jakarta IKIP birth. In subsequent developments IKIP Jakar ta after approximately 36 years old, from the date of August 4, 1999 changed to State University of Jakarta (UNJ) by Presidential Decree 093/1999 dated August 4, 1999, and the opening performed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on August 31, 1999 at the State Palace.

    Anniversary of the Jakarta State University is set equal to the anniversary of the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers' Training College) in Jakarta which is the embryo of the State University of Jakarta, on May 16, 1964.


    Being a university with a competitive advantage in building Indonesia advanced society, democratic and prosperous based on the Pancasila in the era of globalization.

    1. Developing science, technology, and art that can improve the quality of human life and the environment.  
    2. Preparing academic staff and / or professionally qualified, responsible and independent in the field of education and nonkependidikan to face various challenges in the future.
    3. Developing science and praxis of education in order to accelerate the achievement of national education development.
    4. Developing various forms of community service in the field of science, technology, and art that efficient and effective manner.
    5. Create an academic culture that is conducive to the empowerment of all humanity the optimal potential and integrated on an ongoing basis.
    6. Enabling himself as a university that is able to apply the principles of sustainable entrepreneurship in their performance.
    Undergraduate Program (S1)

    Jakarta State University held a 2 (two) types of Undergraduate programs: the Bachelor of Education and Non-Education Degree Programs.
    • Undergraduate Education. This program of study load of at least 144 credits and 160 credits that are scheduled for 8 (eight) semesters and forever 14 (fourteen) semester. Students who successfully complete this program are a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.)
    • Non-Education Degree Programs. This program of study load of at least 144 credits and 160 credits that are scheduled for 8 (eight) semesters and forever 14 (fourteen) semester. Students who successfully complete this program are a Bachelor of Science (S. Si) for graduates of Science, Bachelor of Sports (S Or) for graduates of FIK, Bachelor of Literature (SS) or Bachelor of Arts (S cents) to graduate from FBS .
    Masters in Education Program (S2)

    This program of study load of at least 36 (thirty six) credits and no more than 50 (fifty) credits that are scheduled for 4 (four) semesters and forever 10 (ten) including the preparation of the thesis semester, after the Undergraduate Program (S1 ) or equivalent. Students who successfully complete this program given the degree of Master of Education (M.Pd.).

    Education Doctoral Program (S3)

    Study Expense, the Old and Studies degree program are:
    • Burden of the doctoral program of study for students who educated Bachelor (S1) a parcel of at least 76 (seventy-six) credits that are scheduled for at least 8 (eight) semesters with a period of study in perpetuity 12 (twelve) semester.
    • Burden of the doctoral program of study for students who educated Bachelor (S1) is not a piece of at least 88 (eighty eight) credits that are scheduled for 9 (nine) with a long semester of study in perpetuity 13 (thirteen) semester.
    • Burden of the doctoral program of study for students who educated Master (S2) a parcel of at least 40 (forty) credits that are scheduled for 4 (four) semesters with a period of study in perpetuity 10 (ten) semester.
    • Burden of the doctoral program of study for students who educated Master (S2) is not a piece of at least 52 (fifty-two) credits that are scheduled for 5 (five) with a long semester of study in perpetuity 11 (eleven) semesters.
    Faculty of Education
    1. Education Management
    2. Educational Technology
    3. Psychology
    4. Guidance Counseling
    5. Special Education
    6. Special Education Ssekolah
    7. Elementary School Teacher Education
    8. Early Childhood Education
    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
    1. Mathematics
    2. Physics
    3. Chemical
    4. Biology
    Faculty of Engineering
    1. Electrical Engineering
    2. Engineering
    3. Civil Engineering
    4. Family Welfare Science
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    1. Political Social Science
    2. Geography
    3. Sociology
    4. History
    5. Islamic Studies
    6. Pend. IPS
    7. MKU
    Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts
    1. German Language
    2. Indonesian Language and Literature
    3. English Language and Literature
    4. Japanese Language
    5. French Language
    6. Arabic
    7. Fine arts
    8. Dance
    9. Music Arts
    Faculty of Sport Science
    1. Sosiokinetika
    2. Somatokinetika
    3. Antropokinetika
    Faculty of Economics
    1. Accounting
    2. Management
    3. Economics and Administration
    Graduate Program

    Master Program (S2)

    (1) Technology Education, (2) Sports Education (3) Language Education, (4) Population and Environment Education, (5) Environmental Management, as the concentration of Population and Environment Education, (6) Early Childhood Education ; (7) Educational Management; (8) Management of Higher Education, as the concentration of Educational Management; (9) Research and Educational Evaluation; (10) Sports Management, as the concentration of Sports Education; (11) Elementary Education; (12 ) Educational S

    Doctoral Program (S3)

    (1) Technology Education, (2) Technology Education, Early Childhood Education concentration, (3) Sports Education (4) Language Education, (5) Population and Environment Education, (6) Educational Management; (7) Research and Evaluation of Education; (8) Environmental Management, as the concentration of Population and Environment Education. (9) Human Resource Management, as the concentration of Educational Management;

    Thesis Track

    Line thesis for students who have a cumulative grade point (GPA) of 2.50.

    Path innovative work for students who have a GPA of 2.50. Study completion signposts point the work of innovative scholarship rules tailored to each department / program of study.
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