Sunday, April 24, 2011

About of Sun or Surya

    Sun or Surya is also called (from the name of god "Surya" - the Sun God in Hindu belief) is the closest star to Earth with an average distance of 149,680,000 kilometers (93,026,724 miles). The sun and the planets of the eighth (which is already known / discovered by humans) to form the Solar System. The sun is categorized as a small star type G.

    Illustration of the structure of the sun

    The sun is a ball of incandescent gas and was not really round. Sun has the equator and poles since the rotational motion. Diameter ekuatorialnya 864,000 miles, while the median line between the poles 43 miles shorter. Sun is a member of the largest solar system, because 98% of the mass of the Solar System accumulated in the sun.

    In addition to the center of circulation, the sun is also a central source of energy in the solar neighborhood. The sun's core and consists of three layers of skin, each photosphere, chromosphere and corona. To continue to shine, the sun, which consists of hot gas hydrogen exchange substances with substances helium through nuclear fusion reactions at levels of 600 million tonnes, with the loss of four million tons of mass each time.

    The sun is believed to form in 4.6 billion years ago. Density is 1.41 solar masses versus mass of water. Total solar energy reaching the Earth's surface that are recognized as the solar constant equal to 1370 watts per square meter at any time. The sun as the center of the Solar System is a second generation star. Material from the sun formed from the explosion of the first generation of stars like that are believed by scientists, that the universe was formed by the big bang explosion about 14,000 million years ago.

    Distance of sun from the earth

    Distance sun to the earth is 149,669,000 kilometers (93,000,000 miles). This distance is known as the astronomical unit and the usual rounded (for simplification count) to 148 million km. Compared with the earth, sun diameter of approximately 112 time. Sun's gravity is about 30 times the force of gravity. Sunlight eight-minute travel time to get to Earth. Strong sunlight can cause damage to the eye sensor networks and result in blindness.


    According to the calculations of experts, the temperature at the surface of the sun around 6,000 ° C but some are mentioning the surface temperature of 5500 ° C. Type of rock or metal anything on this Earth will melt at such high temperatures. The highest temperature is located in the middle, which is estimated not less than 25 million degrees Celsius, but also noted that at its core temperature 15 million degrees Celsius. There is a mention in the core temperature of the sun about 13,889,000 ° C. According to JR Meyer, the sun's heat comes from the meteorite that fell at high speed on the surface of the sun. Meanwhile, according to the theory of Helmholz H contraction, the heat was coming from the shrinking ball of gas. Another expert, Dr. bothe states that the heat is derived from thermonuclear reactions are also called synthetic reaction of hydrogen helium.

    Turnover Sun

    Because the sun is not solid but rather in the form of plasma, Causing the rotation is faster at the equator Than at the poles. Rotation on its equatorial region is about 25 days and 35 days in the polar regions. EACH round and has 27.9 times the gravity of Earth gravity. There's looming very hot gas cans That reach up to Thousands and even Millions of kilometers into space. Shot of the sun 'sun flares' cans disrupt the communications Such as radio waves, TV and radars on Earth and cans damage satellites or space stations That are not protected. The Sun Also produces radio waves, ultra-violet waves, infra-red rays, X-rays and solar Winds That spreads to the entire solar system.

    Earth sheltered Than the solar wind by the Earth's magnetic field, while protecting the Earth's Also ozone layer Than ultra-violet rays and infra-red rays. There were sunspots That Appear from time to time in the sun are the caused by differences in temperature on the surface of the sun. It signifies the region of sunspots That "less hot" versus other regions and Achieve breadth exceeds the size of Earth. Sometimes Hinder the circulation of the Moon around the Earth Until sun's rays to Earth, by the result in the occurrence of solar eclipse.


    Flame in the sun or also called Prominensa is a very large part of the sun, the light that sticking out of the sun's surface, often shaped loop (round). 26-27 September 2009, spacecraft (Stereo Stereo A and B) that specifically monitor the sun for 30 hours to record this phenomenon.

    Prominensa occur in layers in the solar photosphere and move out into the solar corona. If the corona is a gas that has been ionized becomes very hot, not-so-called plasma light show, prominensa contains a cooler plasma.

    Prominensa typically protrude up to thousands of kilometers, the largest ever observed seen in 1997 with a length of approximately 350,000 kilometers - about 28 times the diameter of the earth. The mass of material contained within prominensa weighing up to 100 billion tons.

    Solar Movement
    Sun has two kinds of motion as follows:
    • Rotation around its axis, length 25 1 / 2 day one-time round. Rotational movement can be proved with visible black spots in the nucleus which is sometimes located on the right and approximately 2 weeks is on the left.
    • Moved between cluster-cluster stars. In addition to rotating, the sun moves in between the star clusters with a speed of 20 km per second, the movement that surrounds the center of the galaxy.
    Benefits sun
    • Sun has a very important function for the earth. Beam energy the sun has made the earth remains warm for life, makes air and water circulating in the earth, plants can photosynthesize, and many other things.
    • A source of energy (heat rays). The energy contained in coal and oil actually comes from the sun.
    • Control the circulation of the earth's stability, it also means controlling the occurrence of day and night, year and control the other planets. Without the sun, it is difficult to imagine that there will be life on earth.
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