Sunday, April 24, 2011

Livestock Raising Quail

    Quail is the name for several genera in the family Phasianidae. This bird is medium sized. Of New World quail (family Odontophoridae) and quail buttons (Turnicidae family) are not closely related but their names have behavioral and physical characteristics are similar. 

    Mainland poultry quail is a small but chubby. They were eating the grain but also eating insects and other small prey. They nest at ground level, and ability to run and fly at high speed but with a shorter distance. Some species such as Japanese quail are migratory and capable of flying long distances. Several kinds of quail are farmed in large numbers. Japanese quail are farmed mainly for their eggs. 

    Quail family including bird species are often eaten. Quail often cooked French style. Quail meat is also commonly found in the cuisine Malta, Portugal, and India. Quail generally eaten together with bones because they are easily chewed and because of its small size is very difficult to eliminate the bone from the meat.

    Quail eggs are also delicious food. Often they are eaten raw with sushi and commonly found in Japanese lunch menu. In Colombia, poached quail eggs are used to complement hot dogs and hamburgers. In the Philippines, quail eggs are boiled and dyed with sauce and then fried with lots of oil is a popular local snack. 

    Quail eggs is believed to have high cholesterol, but research shows that the cholesterol content found on quail eggs are similar to chicken eggs.

    1. Eggs and meat has nutritional value and taste delicious
    2. fur as a material of different crafts or other household furnishings
    3. droppings as manure or good compost can be used as a fertilizer plant
    1. The location away from the hustle and human settlement
    2. The location has a transport strategy, particularly sapronak lines and marketing channels
    3. The location selected is free from disease outbreaks
    4. Not be a frequently flooded area
    5. It is a region that always get good air circulation.
    And Infrastructure

    Cage. In per-cage That's systems take into account is the ideal cage or normal temperature range is 20-25 degrees C; cage humidity ranged 30-80%, lighting the cage in the daytime pretty 25-40 watts, while the 40 - 60 watts at night (this applies to weather Cloudy / rainy season). The layout of the cage Should Be set for the morning sun cans enter the cage.

    Quail Cage model is 2 (two) types of commonly applied to the system of litter (floor husks) and cage systems (batteries). The size of the cage for 1 m2 of the royal family be charged 90-100 Quail cans, some 60 next his head for ages 10 days to release the Tiller. Last to 40 individuals / m2 Until the spawn.

    The Cages are commonly Used in Quail farming are:

    Cages for holding nursery. Cage is having an effect directly on productivity and the ability to Produce quality eggs. Large or cage size to be Used must match the number of Quail That will from be maintained. Ideally a broad tail Quail cage adults need 200 m2.

    Cages for laying mains. This cage serves as a cage for holding Breeding. This enclosure has a shape, size, and needs the Same equipment. Larger cage density but May Also be the Same.

    Cages for children Quail / age stater (breeding cage). This cage is a cage for the child at the age of Quail starter, the starting age of one day up to two to three weeks. This cage serves to keep the children warm Quail That Remains still require it protected and get the heat as needed. Cages need to be equipped with a heater. Usually the size of the which is Often used is the width of 100 cm, length 100 cm, height 40 cm, 50 cm and height of the foot. (90-100 contain Enough pups Quail).

    Grower Cages for Quail age (3-6 weeks) and layer (More Than 6 weeks). The shape, size and equipment with the enclosure for mains laying. Alas wire cage is usually a ram. 

    Seed Preparation

    Selection of quail seed adapted to the purpose of maintenance, there are 3 (three) kinds of quail maintenance purposes, namely:
    1. For the production of consumption eggs, quail selected seeds of healthy female crab species, or free from disease kerier.
    2. For quail meat production, selected seeds of male quail and quail egg afkiran.
    3. For breeding or hatching egg production, selected seeds of good female quail and quail egg production of healthy males who are ready to fertilize the female quail eggs for hatching to ensure that good.

    Sanitation and preventive action. To keep the disease in quail maintenance of environmental hygiene and vaccination against quail cage needs to be done as early as possible.

    Disease Control. Controlling the disease at any time and if there are signs of an unhealthy against quail treatment must be done in accordance with the instructions veterinarian or local animal husbandry department or instructions from the Poultry Shoup.

    Feeding. Ration (food) that can be given to quail consists of several forms, namely: the form of pallets, crumbs and flour. Because quail are like nosy form busy with his friends will have a pecking food. Quail chicks given the diet 2 (two) times a day morning and afternoon. While quail teen / adult ration is given only once a day ie in the morning. For giving a drink to children in nurseries quail continuously.

    Giving Vaccinations and Drugs. At the age of 4-7 days of vaccination with a dose of quail in half the dose for chickens. Vaccines can be administered through eye drops (intra-ocular) or drinking water (orally). Drug administration quail seen to be done if symptoms of illness by asking directions from local PPL or from farm shops (Poultry Shoup), which is near your raising quail.

    Pests and Diseases

    Inflammatory bowel disease (Quail enteritis). Cause: anaerobic bacteria that form spores and attacking the intestines, causing inflammation of the intestine. Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, eyes closed, hair looks dull, Berk dirt that form spores and attacking the intestines, causing inflammation of the intestine. Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, eyes closed, hair looks dull, watery feces containing uric acid.

    Control: improving the administration of maintenance, as well as a healthy quail split of which have been infected.

    Newcastle (NCD / New Casstle Diseae). Symptoms: quail difficult breathing, coughing, sneezing, arising grunting, lethargic, sleepy eyes, wings was kulasi, sometimes bloody, watery stools greenish-specific symptoms "tortikolis" the head twirling erratic and paralyzed. Control: (1) keeping the environment clean and virus-contaminated equipment, animal vectors Newcastle disease, chickens that died immediately burned / removed, (2) separate the chickens are sick, preventing guests enter the area of farms without the clothes disinfect / sterile as well as do vaccinations NCD . Until now there is no cure.

    White feces (pullorum). Cause: Salmonella pullorum bacteria and is contagious. Symptoms: white droppings, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, the hairs shrivel and weak wings hanging. Control: same as the control of Newcastle disease.

    Dysentery (coccidiosis). Symptoms: bloody stools and diarrhea, lack of appetite, terkulasi wings, feathers dull shivering. Control: (1) lingkungaan hygiene, keeping the litter remains dry, (2) with Tetra Chloine Capsule is given by mouth; Noxal, Zuco Trisula tablets dissolved in drinking water or sulfaqui moxaline, amprolium, cxaldayocox

    Smallpox Poultry (Fowl Pox). Cause: poxviruses, attacking the poultry of all ages and gender. Symptoms: imbulnya-scab scab on the skin, lint, such as wattles, legs, mouths and farink which if released would bleed. Control: diphtheria vaccines and isolate the infected cage or quail.

    Quail Bronchitis. Cause: Quail bronchitis virus (adenovirus) that is highly contagious. Symptoms: quail looks listless, dull hair, trembling, difficulty breathing, coughing and insisted, eyes and nasal mucus sometimes and sometimes the head and neck slightly twisted. Control: a nutritious feeding with adequate sanitation.

    Aspergillosis. Cause: The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Symptoms: Quail experiencing respiratory problems, eye white layer formed resemble cheese, sleepiness, decreased appetite. Control: improving sanitation and the environment surrounding the cage.

    Worms. Cause: poor sanitation. Symptoms: quail look thin, lethargic and weak.
    Control: keep cleaning cages and feeding, clean.

    Main Results

    In laying quail maintenance business, which became the main result is the production of eggs that are harvested every day during the production period lasts.


    While that is a by-product which include meat afkiran, feces and quail feathers.
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