Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aceh City

    Aceh had previously been called by the name of Aceh (1959-2001) and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2001-2009) is the westernmost province in Indonesia. Aceh has the autonomy to set its own, unlike most other provinces in Indonesia, for historical reasons. This area is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in southeast and south.

    The capital of Aceh is Banda Aceh. Its port is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, Ulee Lheue, Sabang, Lhokseumawe and Langsa. Aceh is the region worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004. Some places on the coast disappear altogether. The hardest is Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Singkil and Simeulue.
    Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Natural Resources is located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh is also famous for its forest resources, which is located along the Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara, Seulawah, Aceh Besar, until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park, namely Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) is also available in Southeast Aceh.

    At the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda era power Meukuta Perkasa Alam, Aceh is a country very rich and prosperous. According to a French explorer who arrived in Aceh in the heyday of the era, the power reaching the west coast of Aceh, Minangkabau up to Perak.

    Sultanate of Aceh have established relationships with the kingdoms of the West in the 16th century, including Britain, the Ottomans, and the Netherlands.
    Aceh Sultanate involved a prolonged power struggle since the beginning of the 16th century, first by Portugal, and since the 18th century with the United Kingdom (UK) and the Netherlands. At the end of the 18th century, Aceh was forced to hand over territory in Kedah and Island Pinang in Malay Peninsula to Great Britain.

    In 1824, the British-Dutch Agreement was signed, in which Britain handed over its territory on Sumatra to the Dutch. Britain Party claim that Aceh was their colony, although this is not true. In 1871, Britain allowed the Dutch to colonize Aceh, possibly to prevent France from gaining power in the region.

    Sultanate of Aceh was the continuation of the Sultanate of Samudera Pasai destroyed in the 14th century. Sultanate of Aceh, located on the northern island of Sumatra with a capital of Kutaraja (Banda Aceh). In the long history (1496 - 1903), Aceh has carved his past so majestic and wonderful, especially because of its ability to develop a pattern and system of military education, its commitment to European nations against imperialism, the system of government is organized and systematic, make-centers science assessment center, to its ability to establish diplomatic relations with other countries.

    Aceh War began in the Netherlands declared war on Aceh on March 26, 1873 after doing some diplomatic threats, but did not win a major region. War flared again in 1883, but again failed, and in 1892 and 1893, the Dutch thought they had failed to seize Aceh.

    Dr. Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, an expert who pretended to convert to Islam from Leiden University who has managed to gain the confidence of many Aceh leaders and then provide advice to the Dutch for their attacks directed to the clergy, not to the sultan. This advice was successful. In 1898, Joannes Benedictus van Heutsz expressed as the governor of Aceh, and along with his lieutenants, Hendrikus Colijn, seized most of Aceh.

    Sultan M. David finally meyerahkan themselves to the Dutch in 1903 after two of his wife, son and mother first arrested by the Dutch. Sultanate of Aceh finally fell in 1904. At that time, the capital of Aceh has been completely captured by the Dutch. But resistance is still being conducted by the Commander-commander in the interior and by the Ulama of Aceh until Japan finally came in and replaced the role of the Dutch. Aceh War was a war the most adverse party in the history of Dutch colonization of the archipelago.

    While the period of Dutch rule, the people of Aceh began a collaboration with other regions in Indonesia and was involved in a variety of nationalist movements and political. Aceh were increasingly involved in the Indonesian nationalist movement. When the Volksraad (parliament) was formed, Teuku Nyak Arif was elected as first deputy of Aceh. (Nyak Arif then sworn in as governor of Aceh by the first governor of Sumatra, Moehammad Hasan).

    When Japan began waging a war to expel European colonialists from Asia, the figures Aceh fighters sent envoys to Japan's war leaders to help businesses drive the Dutch from Aceh. Negotiations began in 1940. After several aborted landing plan, finally, on February 9, 1942 Japanese forces landed in the area Ujong Batee, Aceh Besar. Their arrival was welcomed by figures in Aceh fighters and the general public. The entry of Japan into Aceh to make the Dutch were expelled permanently from the land of Aceh.

    Japan initially to be nice and respectful to the people and leaders of Aceh, and respect the beliefs and customs that having Islamic Aceh. People were not reluctant to help and participate in development programs Japan. But when the situation has improved, harassment of people of Aceh, especially the women began to be done by the Japanese army personnel. Acehnese Muslims began instructed to bend toward the sun rises in the morning, a behavior that is contrary to Islamic theology. Therefore Break Acehnese resistance against Japan in all areas of Aceh. The most famous example is the resistance led by Teungku Abdul Jalil, a scholar from the Bayu, near Lhokseumawe.

    Aceh province has 13 indigenous tribes, namely: Aceh, Gayo, Aneuk Jamee, Singkil, Alas, Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Pakpak, Haloban, Lekon and Nias. Results of the 2000 population census shows the following results: Aceh (50.32%), Java (15.87%), Gayo (11.46%), Alaska (3.89%), Singkil (2.55%), Simeulue (2.47%), Batak (2.26%), Minangkabau (1.09%), Others (10.09%)

    Aceh Province has 13 fruit native language is the language of Aceh, Gayo, Aneuk Jamee, Singkil, Alas, Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Pakpak, Haloban, Lekon and Nias.

    Most of the population in Aceh embraced Islam. Of the 13 indigenous tribes in Aceh Nias only tribe that not all of them embraced Islam.

    Other religions adopted by the province's population is Christian religion professed by Batak tribal settlers and some residents are mostly Chinese Hakka tribes. While others still adhere to Confucianism

    In addition, the province has a privilege compared to other provinces, since in the province of Islamic Law applied to the majority of citizens who embraced Islam.

    Natural resources
    • Petroleum
    • Natural gas
    • Gold
    • Forest
    • Wood
    • Coffee
    • Fish
    • Spices

    Before the catastrophic tsunami of 26 December 2004, the fishery is one of the pillars of the local economy in Aceh, contributing 6.5 percent of Gross Regional Income (GDP) worth 1.59 trillion in 2004 (Department of Fisheries and Marine Aceh 2005). The potential of capture fisheries production reached 120,209 tons / year while aquaculture reached 15 454 tons / year in 2003 (Department of Fisheries and Marine Aceh 2004). Fishery production is uneven, both in the Indian Ocean and Straits of Malacca.

    The fishing industry provides more than 100,000 jobs, 87 percent (87 783) in the fisheries sub-sector and the remainder (14 461) in the aquaculture sub-sector. Around 53,100 people make the fishery as the main livelihood. Nevertheless, 60 percent are small fishermen using small boats. Of the approximately 18,800 units of boats / fishing boats in Aceh, only 7700 units are able to sail to the offshore. Large-scale fishing fleet operates mostly in North Aceh, East Aceh, Bireuen, West Aceh and South Aceh.

    According Nurasa et al. (1993), mostly Acehnese fishermen using fishing gear (hook and line). Another is the trawl fishing gear, nets, rings (purse seine), seine land, gill nets, nets payang, elementary nets, netting and others.

    Supporting infrastructure of this industry includes a large fishing port in Banda Aceh, 10 harbor fish auction (PPI) in 7 major districts and a number of fish auction place (TPI) in 18 smaller districts. In addition there are 36,600 hectares of ponds, mostly semi-intensive pond farmers who owned small capital. Ponds are scattered in North Aceh, Pidie, Bireuen and East Aceh.

    Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP), Indonesia ran a center for education and training (Training Center) cultivation, a research and development center (Center) cultivation, a fisheries laboratory quality test and a training ship. At each district / city, there are fisheries and marine services. Total assets at pre-tsunami fisheries sector reached about USD 1.9 trillion.

    National Development Planning Agency / Bappenas (2005) estimates that 9563 units were destroyed or submerged boat, including 3969 (41.5%) without a motor boat, 2369 (24.8%), motor boats and 3225 (33.7%) large motor boat ( 5-50 tons). In addition, 38 units of TPI were severely damaged and 14,523 hectares of ponds in 11 districts were severely damaged. An estimated total direct losses in the tsunami reached USD 944,492.00 (50% of the total value of assets), while the total value of indirect losses reached USD 3.8 billion. Most of the losses came from damaged ponds.

    Damage to aquaculture ponds spread evenly. Even in areas that are not too severe tsunaminya impact (eg in South Aceh), stagnant ponds that are not easily repaired and reused. Total losses reached Rp 466 billion, about 50 percent of the total loss of the fishery sector. Greatest economic loss from loss of revenue from the fisheries sector (fishing and aquaculture). The loss of a large number of fishermen, lost or damaged fisheries infrastructure, including fishing gear and boats as well as damage to farms to make digit losses were so great.
    It is estimated that fish production in Aceh will drop to 60 percent. The recovery process estimated to take at least 5 years. In the fisheries sub-sector, even thought it took longer (about 10 years), because of the many fishermen who disappeared or died in addition to the destruction of a large number of boats or fishing gear. Based on these assumptions, the total losses that may occur to the sector recover fully and return to pre-tsunami conditions is estimated to reach Rp 3.8 trillion.

    • Masjid Raya Baiturrahman
    • Graveyard in Bitay Village
    • Cut Nya Dien House
    • Indonesian Airline Monument. Seulawah-Indonesian First Airplane
    • Tsunami Monument & Garden
    • The Museum Aceh
    • Taman Putroe Phang
    • Kuburan Kerkhoff
    • Danau Laut Tawar
    • Danau Aneuk Laot
    • Iboih
    Arts and Culture

    Aceh is a region that is rich with culture and art rule looks other parts of Indonesia. Aceh has a distinctive variety of cultural arts such as dance, and other cultures such as:
    • Didong (performing arts of Gayo society)
    • Meuseukee Eungkot (a tradition in the area of West Aceh)
    • Peusijuek (Flour fresh or in Malay tradition)
    Traditional Weapons

    Rencong is the traditional weapon of Aceh, its shape resembles the letter L, and if you look closer its shape was writing bismillah calligraphy. Rencong included in the category of dagger or knife (not a knife or sword).
    Besides rencong, the nation of Aceh also has several other unique weapons, such as siwah, geuliwang and peudeueng.

    Traditional Houses

    Acehnese traditional house called Rumoh Aceh. The traditional house-type house on stilts with 3 main parts and an additional section. Three main parts of Aceh is home Seuramoe keuë (front porch), Seuramoe Teungoh (porch middle) and Seuramoe likôt (back porch). Meanwhile, an additional section that is rumoh dapu (home kitchen).


    Aceh province has at least 10 ethnic groups, has a wealth of dance very much and also very impressive. Some famous dances at the national level and even the world is a dance that originated from Aceh, such as Dance Dance Rateb Meuseukat and Saman.

    Acehnese dance
    • Dance Laweut
    • Dance Likok Pulo
    • Dance Pho
    • Dance Ranup Lampuan
    • Dance Rapai Geleng
    • Dance Rateb Meuseukat
    • Dance Ratoh Duek
    • Dance Seudati
    • Dance Tarek Pukat
    Ethnic Dance Gayo
    • Dance Saman
    • Dance Bines
    • Dance Didong
    • Dance Guel
    • Dance Munalu
    • Dance Turun Ku Aih Aunen
    Other Ethnic Dance
    • Dance Ula-ula Lembing
    • Dance Mesekat
    Typical Food

    Aceh has a variety of typical foods. Among others timphan, curry duck, curry goat is delicious, curry Pliek meuseukat U and rare. In addition, chips melinjo origin of the famous tasty Pidie district, Sabang lunkhead made with different flavors, durian glutinous (boh drien Ngon leukat bu), and sweet cakes from Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar could also be a mainstay for Aceh.


    Acehnese nation is a nation that persistent in maintaining its independence. Persistence of war the nation of Aceh, can be seen and proved by a number of heroes (both men and women), as well as other evidence (four Dutch generals were killed in Aceh war, and grave Kerkhoff ever record as the largest Dutch cemetery outside the Netherlands).

    Women Heroes
    • Cut Nyak Dhien
    • Cut Nyak Meutia
    • Laksamana Malahayati
    • Pocut Baren
    • Teungku Fakinah
    Heroes Men
    • Sultan Iskandar Muda
    • Teungku Chik Di Tiro
    • Teuku Umar
    • Panglima Polem
    • Teuku Nyak Arif
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