Monday, April 25, 2011

Pangkal Pinang City

    Pangkal Pinang
    Pangkalpinang City is one of the Regional Government of Cities in Indonesia that is part of Bangka Belitung Islands Province as well as a provincial capital. The city is situated on the eastern island of Bangka. Pangkalpinang city is divided into 5 districts namely Taman Sari, Rangkui, Pangkalbalam, Diamond Hill and Gerunggang. Having an area of 118.408 km2 and a population based on SUSENAS 2005 were 146,161 with a density of 1737 people/km2 soul. Currently chaired by the Mayor of Drs. H. Zulkarnain Karim, MM, who has served for the second period (2008-2013) had previously served for the first period 2003-2008. The river divides the city is nicknamed Rangkui MEANS (Clean, Safe, Neat, Orderly, Beautiful) this. The city is centered on Jalan Merdeka as kilometer zero point of the city.

    City Population Pangkalpinang mostly formed by ethnic Malays and ethnic Chinese Hakka who came from Guangzhou. Plus a number of ethnic immigrants like the Batak, Minangkabau, Palembang, Sundanese, Javanese, Madurese, Banjar, Bugis, Manado, Flores, and Ambon.

    Pangkalpinang City is the center of government, city government center in the village of Bukit Intan, provincial and central government and vertical institutions in Kelurahan Air Itam. The head office of PT. Timah Tbk. also located here. Pangkalpinang also a central activity of business / commerce and industry in the Pacific Islands.


    Pangkapinang City area topography is generally undulating and hilly with a height of 20-50 m above sea level and slope of 0-25%. The morphology of concave-shaped area where the downtown area are low. Hilly areas west and south section clumped Pangkalpinang city. Some of the main hill is Bukit Girimaya located at an altitude of 50 m asl and Tower Hill. While the urban forest area of 290 ha located in the Old Village Belle Based Tunu Pangkalpinang City area can be detailed use of the land, dry land area cultivated for agriculture (food crops, smallholders, fisheries and forestry) is an area of 1562 hectares of land while not cultivated area of 1163 Ha and dry land used for residential area of 4130 Ha. The remaining 2085 ha is in the form of swamps, forests and other countries.

    Land area Pangkalpinang city has an average pH below 5 with red-yellow podzolic soils regosol, gleisol and organosol which is the weathering of parent rock. While in a small area of marsh-Alluvial soil type association Hydromorf and Glayhumus and young gray regosol derived from sand and clay sediments. Such soil conditions less suitable for rice, but still allows for planting crops. In the suburbs, the Village the Village Air Itam Tuatunu and potential yield of pepper and rubber. General geological conditions in this area, the oldest formations are limestone Permo Carboniferous age, following the Upper Triassic Slate and Granite intrusion final after the Triassic Jurassic age. Granite composition varies from granite to dioditik with dark-colored mineral inclusions of biotite and sometimes Amfibol Green.

    In Pangkalpinang City area there are installments Rivers, in general, small in this region Rangkui Rivers empties into the River. In Addition there are Rangkui Also Pedindang River River in the south. Both river serves as the main channel rain water disposal town the which then flows into the River Baturusa and ends in the South China Sea. These Rivers in Addition to functioning as the main channel rain water disposal of the city, as well as transportation infrastructure functioning river from market to Baturusa River and continues into the sea. Children Rangkui River is a canal irrigation water from under the door to the River Rangkui Sword bean built by the Dutch East Indies government in the 1930s. Sources of water to clean water from ground water in general in Addition to Nuts Swords and Kolong Kolong Kace. Basically Pangkalpinang city region of concave-shaped morphology Pls viewed in the which the lower downtown, so this situation That Gives a negative impact, the which is prone to flooding, especially During the rainy season or the influence of Tides Rangkui River through the which divides the city Pangkalpinang. That never flooded the areas located in the north, west and south of the city. While the Eastern region bordering the River Rangkui and South China Sea and the center of town through the which the river Rangkui Often flooded by the tide (rob), the flooded area was mainly Sub Rangkui, Pangkal Balam and Taman Sari.
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