Monday, April 25, 2011

Medan City | History Medan

    Medan City
    In ancient times the city of Medan is known as the Land of Deli and marshy soil conditions around an area of 4000 Ha. Several rivers cross the city of Medan this and all empties into the Strait of Malacca. The rivers that are Sei Deli, Sei Babura, Sikambing Sei, Sei trail, White Sei, Sei Badra, Belawan and Sei Sei Sulang Mutual / Sei Kera.

    At first the open field is Professor Patimpus township located in Tanah Deli location, since colonial times people always weave Medan Deli (Medan-Deli.) After a long run time of independence Medan Deli terms gradually disappeared, so ultimately less popular.
    Formerly named the Land of Deli started from the Snake River (Deli Serdang) to the River Wampu in Langkat whereas Deli Sultanate which ruled at that time his domain does not include the area between the two river.

    All in all types of land in the Deli consists of clay, sand, soil mix, black soil, brown soil and red soil. This is a study of Van Hissink in 1900, followed by Vriens study in 1910 that in addition to the type of soil like that found no more specific type of clay. This clay at the time of Dutch colonial place called Burnt Offering Stone (now Southeast Medan or Menteng) people burn a high quality brick and one brick factory in those days was the Deli Klei.

    Regarding rainfall at Tanah Deli classified two types namely: Maksima Maksima Main and Supplementary. Main maxima occur in the months October to December was Maksima Supplement between January to September. In detail, the rainfall in Medan on average 2000 per year with an average intensity of 4.4 mm / hour.

    According to Volker Medan in 1860 is still a jungle here and there, especially dimuara-estuary of the river interspersed settlements of people from the Karo and the Malayan peninsula. In 1863 the Dutch began to open a tobacco plantation in Deli who was the star of Land Deli. Since then the economy continues to grow so that the field becomes the center of government and economic city in North Sumatra.

    Medan Village and Deli Tobacco

    At the beginning of its development is a small village named "Medan Putri". The development of Village Medan "Princess" is inseparable from its strategic position as it is situated at the confluence of rivers and streams Babura Deli, not far from the path of Princess Green now. Both rivers are in the ancient times is that trade traffic quite busy, and thus Village Medan "Princess" which is the forerunner of Medan, quickly developed into an important transit port.

    More and more people coming into this village and the wife of Master Patimpus who founded the village gave birth to her first field of a man and named the Kolok. Livelihoods of people in Village Medan, which they christened with the Ten two Kuta is the farming of pepper plant. Not long after
    was born the second child and the child's teacher Patimpus even this man called the Kecik.

    In his time Teachers Patimpus minded person who is classified as advanced. This is proven by having children studied (study) read the Quran to Datuk City Build and then deepen about the religion of Islam to Aceh.

    Description of the Village Medan reinforce that this is the description of H. Muhammad Said is quoted through the book Deli In Woord en Beeld written by N. Ten Cate. The description says that long ago Village Medan is a fortress and the rest are still there consists of two layers of wall-shaped roundabout dipertemuan contained between two rivers namely Sungai Deli and Babura river. Administrateur house is situated opposite the river from the village of Medan. If we see that the location of Village Medan is at Wisma Benteng Administrateur home now and it is the office of PTP IX Tobacco Deli is now.
    Approximately in 1612 after two decades stands Village Medan, Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh's ruling sends his commander named Gocah hero who holds Admiral Horse Bintan to be a leader who represents the kingdom of Aceh in the Land of Deli.

    Gocah Heroes opened a new country in Sungai Lalang, Percut. As Mayor and Deputy Sultan of Aceh and Aceh to utilize the greatness of empire, Gocah Heroes managed to expand his realm, which includes the District and Sub Percut Sei Tuan Medan Deli now. He also founded the villages of Mount Klarus, Sampali, Kota Bangun, Pulau Brayan, Java City, the City Rengas Percut and Sigara-gara.

    With the emergence of heroes began developing Gocah Kingdom Gocah Deli and in 1632 married the daughter of Datuk Pahlawan Sunggal. After this marriage of the kings in Village Medan give in Gocah Heroes.

    Heroes Gocah died in 1653 and was succeeded by his son Tuangku Perunggit Commander, who then proclaimed the independence of the Sultanate of Deli Sultanate of Aceh in 1669, with its capital in Labuhan, approximately 20 km from Medan.

    John Anderson an Englishman make a visit to Village Medan in 1823 and recorded in his book Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra that the population of Village Medan at that time still amounted to 200 people but he only saw people who dwells dipertemuan between two river. Anderson mentions in his book "Mission to the East Coast of Sumatra" (published Edinburgh 1826) that along the river down to the stone wall Deli mosque Village Medan is built with granite stones square. These stones were taken from an ancient Hindu temple in Java.

    Rapid development of Village Medan "Princess", is also not free from tobacco plantation that was famous for its tobacco Delinya, which is the best tobacco for cigar wrappers. In 1863, the Sultan of Deli gave Nienhuys Van der Falk and Elliot from the firm Van Keeuwen en Mainz & Co., the land area of 4000 shoulder (1 shoulder = 0.74 ha) in erfpacht 20 years in Cape Sepassi, near Labuhan. Examples of tobacco deli. March 1864, sample yields are sent to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, to test its quality. It turned out that tobacco leaves are very good and high quality for wrapping cigars.

    Later in 1866, Jannsen, P.W. Clement, Cremer and Nienhuys establish de Maatscapij in Labuhan Deli. Then do the expansion of new plantations in areas Martubung, Sunggal (1869), Rice and Klumpang River (1875), so the number reached 22 companies plantation in 1874. Given the activities of the tobacco trade is already very extensive and growing, Nienhuys move their corporate offices to the Village Labuhan "Medan Putri". Thus the "Village Medan Princess" became increasingly crowded and thereafter developed with a name better known as the "city of Medan."

    Legend Medan

    According to the legend in time immemorial have lived in the old Deli Sultanate of approximately 10 km from Kampung Medan in Deli Tua which is now a very beautiful princess and her beauty was named Princess Green. Beauty Princess is famous everywhere from Aceh to the northern tip of Java island.

    Sultan fell in love with the princess, and proposed to her to be queen. Sultan proposal was rejected by the brother of two men Princess Green. Aceh Sultan was very angry because the refusal was regarded as an insult against him. So the war between the Sultanate of Aceh Break with Deli Sultanate.

    According to the legends mentioned above, using a magical power from his green princess transformed into a dragon and a longer cannon sepucuk who never stopped shooting at soldiers in Aceh until his death.

    KesultananDeli long suffered defeat in battle and because disappointed Crown Prince who becomes the cannon went off in part, the back came out to Labuhan Deli and the front alignment of high Karo approximately 5 km from Kabanjahe.
    Green's daughter captive and put in a glass coffin loaded into ships for onward brought to Aceh. When the ship reached the end of Jambo Aye, Princess Green beg held a ceremony for him before the coffin lowered from the ship. At his request, must be submitted to him a number of rice and thousands of eggs and host Princess petition is granted. But it just started suddenly ceremony was air-blow A terrifying storm waves followed very high.

    From the sea comes the brother who has been transformed into a serpent, and by using a large jaw, took chest where his brother locked up, then carried into the sea.

    This legend is still popular until society Deli and even also in the Malay community in Malaysia.

    In Old Delhi there is still a fortress and castle ruins dating back to Princess Green, being the remaining cannon brother Prince Green incarnation it can be seen on page Maimun Medan Istana.

    Dutch colonialism in the Land Deli

    Dutch who colonized the archipelago more than half a century to master the Land Deli but they are very much experienced no small challenge. They experienced the war in Java with the prince Diponegoro circa 1825-1830. The Netherlands is very much a loss while to master Sumatra, the Dutch also fought against the Acehnese, Minangkabau, and Sisingamangaraja in Tapanuli.
    So to master the Dutch Deli Land only about 78 years starting from year 1864 to 1942. After the war ended before Java, the Dutch Governor General Van den Bosch J. deploy troops to Sumatra and he expects to take control of Sumatra as a whole may take 25 years. Dutch conquest of Sumatra, was halted amid street because Dutch Colonial Minister at that time told the Dutch troop JCBaud in Sumatra, although they have overcome the Minangkabau are known as the Padri War (1821-1837).

    Sultan Ismail who ruled in Riau suddenly attacked by a mob boss named England by Adam Wilson. Because at that time the Sultan Ismail limited powers to ask for protection in the Netherlands. Since then opened up opportunities for the Dutch to control the Kingdom of Siak Sri Indrapura the king was the Sultan Ismail. On February 1, 1858 Sultan Ismail urged the Netherlands to sign the agreement for the conquered kingdom of Siak Sri Indrapura including Deli Serdang Langkat in Sumatra and East entrance of Dutch rule. Because the region has entered Deli Dutch power otomatislah Kampung Medan became the Dutch colony, but not the physical presence of the Dutch master Land Deli.

    In 1858 also appointed as a Resident Netscher Elisa Riau Region and since then has he lifted himself into a defender of the ruling Sultan Ismail in the kingdom of Siak. Netscher goal is to seat him as a defender of Sultan Ismail was politically of course will be easy for Netscher ruled the conquered kingdom of Siak Deli namely that included Princess Kampung Medan.

    Progress Medan Putri a trading center has been pushed into the center of government. In 1879, the Capital of Assistant Resident of Labuhan Deli moved to Medan, March 1, 1887, Resident of East Sumatra capital of Bengkalis also moved to Medan, Deli Sultanate Palace which was originally located in Kampung Bahari (Labuhan) also moved with the completion of the Palace on the 18th Maimoon May 1891, and thus the capital Delhi has officially moved to Medan.

    In 1915 Residency of East Sumatra improved his position became Gubernemen. In 1918 Medan officially became the Gemeente (Township) with Baron Mayor Daniel Mac Kay. Based on the "Acte van Schenking" (Deed of Grant) Number 97 Notary JM de-Hondt Junior, 30 November 1918, the Sultan of Deli transferred land to the Gemeente Medan Medan, thus officially became the territory under direct rule the Dutch East Indies. In the early days of this Township, Medan still consists of 4 villages, namely Kampung Kesawan, Kampung Sungai Rengas, Kampung Kampung Petisah Petisah Upstream and Downstream.

    In 1918 the population of Medan, there were 43,826 people comprising 409 people from Europe, Indonesia 35 009 people, 8269 of China Eastern and other foreign people 139 people.

    Since then the city of Medan to grow more rapidly. Various facilities are built. Some of them are the Office of Experiment Stations AVROS in Kampung Baru (1919), now RISPA, Railway relationship Pangkalan Brandan - BESITANG (1919), American Consulate (1919), School Teacher Indonesia at Jl. H.M. Yamin is now (1923), Weekly Soematra (1924), Medan Swimming Association (1924), Central Market, RS Elizabeth Hospital Eye Clinic and Field Sports Flower Garden (1929).

    Historically the development of the city of Medan, from the beginning has been positioned at the center of trade (exports-imports) since past. 'm maketh field as deli also has made it the capital of Medan city developed into a central government. until now is one area in addition to the city, also at the same time as the capital of North Sumatra Province.

    The period of Japanese colonization of Medan City

    Dutch rule ended in 1942 in Japan Sumatra when it landed in several areas such as Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra specialized in Japanese landed in East Sumatra.

    Japanese troops landed in Sumatra was the army which XXV
    based on Shonanto better known by the name of Singapore, they landed precisely on 11 nights March 12, 1942. These troops consisted of the Guards Division empire to-2 coupled with the 18th Division led by the Letjend. Nishimura. There are four landing sites they are the Sabang, Ulele, Kuala Bugak (near East Aceh Peurlak now) and the Cape Oysters (Coal area now).

    Japanese troops landed in the area of Tanjung Tiram this is what went into the city of Medan, they climbed the bike they buy from the people around it in barter. They're a slogan that they help people because they are brothers Asia Old Asian people so that they dieluelukan welcome his arrival.

    When the transition of power to the Japanese city of Medan Dutch chaotic, the natives use this opportunity to take revenge against the Dutch. This situation is immediately disciplined by the Japanese army with his troops called "Kempetai" (Japanese Military Police). With the entry of Japan in Medan circumstances soon change, especially the Dutch era civilian government called the "Gemeente Bestuur" by Japan dirobah become "Medan Sico" (Municipal Government). Who served the civil administration in Medan municipality level when it is up to the end of Japanese rule named Hoyasakhi. For the level of residency in East Sumatra because of the heterogeneous society called Syucokan that when it is held by T. Nakashima, resident assistant called Gunseibu.

    Mastery of Japan more rampant in the city of Medan they make more poor people, because with so according to their condition more easily control the entire archipelago, motto motto was just old brother. East adjacent to the Medan city is now built Kengrohositai Marindal kind of collective farming. Titi Kuning Johor Medan region is now not far from Polonia airport now they build the foundation of Japanese fighter planes.

    Medan City Welcomes the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia

    Everywhere throughout Indonesia by the year 1945 resonates Proclamation preparation as well as in Medan city youth do not miss the characters perform a variety of preparations. They heard that the atomic bomb struck the city of Hiroshima has fallen, meaning the power of Japan was paralyzed. While the desire to return to the allied forces occupied Indonesia.

    Particularly in the city of Medan and surrounding areas, when Japanese authorities soon realized his defeat to stop all their activities, especially relating to youth development and deployment. What all this time they do to recruit young men like Heiho mass, Romusha, Gyu Gun and Talapeta they disband or go back to the community. This activity was formally dissolved on August 20, 1945 because on that day also the ruler of Japan in East Sumatra, called Tetsuzo Nakashima announce the defeat of Japan. He also said that the task they dibekas occupation forces to maintain the status quo before handed over to the allied forces. Most members of the former army Heiho, Romusha, Talapeta and exercise Gyu Gun feel confused because their life where they are oppressed only given a limited pocket money, so they look passing by with a uniform brown in the middle of town.

    Some youth leaders see it as taking the initiative to address them. Especially the former officer Lieutenant Gyu Achmad Tahir Gun them to set up a committee to tackle the former Heiho, Romusha the family / relatives do not exist in the city of Medan. The committee is named the "Committee for Ex-Gyu Unemployment Helper Gun" with offices on Jl. No.17 Palace (now the Youth Building).

    August 17, 1945 the echo of independence has reached the city of Medan, even though with rather a faltering because of circumstances at the time communication is very simple. Japanese News Agency "Domei" already exists its representative in the field but they do not want to broadcast news of independence, as a result the public more confused.

    A small group of allied soldiers precisely on 1 September 1945, led by First Lieutenant Brondgeest Sailors arrived in the city of Medan and is based at the Hotel De Boer (now the Hotel Dharma Deli). His job is to prepare the takeover of power from the Japanese. On the same when the Dutch army, led by Westerling, accompanied by a liaison officer named Major Yacobs allies and succeeded in forming police Lt. Brondgeest Netherlands to East Sumatra region whose members are drawn from the former Japanese Colonial Army and police pro-Dutch.

    Finally, the tortuous journey that the youth held a variety of actions for after independence must be upheld in Indonesia as well as in the city of Medan is a part. They are Achmad Tahir, Amir Bachrum Nasution, Edisaputra, Rustam Efendy, Gazali Ibrahim, Lila Roos, A.malik Munir, Bahrum Djamil, Marzuki Lopez and Mohamed Kasim Jusni.

    Information Sources:
    Book Kota Medan Pintu Gerbang (Bappeda)
    Book Monografi Kota Medan (Bappeda)
    Book Medan Selayang Pandang
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