Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kite Flying Tour

    Paragliding sport is held in Puncak Lawang is located at an altitude of 1210 m above sea level. This place is one of the flying tourist attraction visited by many tourists, both domestic (local) and foreign.

    Given the place that is above the alarm level with views of Lake Maninjau in the valley is breathtaking, the area of Puncak Lawang used as the location where the start (Take Off) Paragliding sport. Thus the pilot, as he hovered in the air, can see the beauty of Lake Maninjau.

    Each year, local governments always held a competition sport kite flying in the area. For lovers of sport kite flying, these activities would need to be scheduled to follow. In the contests that have been held before, participants who followed the race came not only from various regions in Indonesia, but also abroad.

    Locations in the start of the level of 1210 m above sea level or just above the hills that surround Lake Maninjau makes this place challenging sports enthusiasts kite flying. With that height, the pilot can linger in the air while enjoying the beautiful panorama of Lake Maninjau. Beautiful scenery presented as a blend of natural green vast stretches of mountains that surround the lake with a green sheen of water, the vast stretches of paddy field, and township residents who regularly made the main attraction is pity to miss.

    In addition, the effect of heating the water of Lake Maninjau, giving effect to the position of the glider pilot, which is able to bring the pilots to fly higher than take-off location.

    Sport kite flying start in Puncak Lawang, Sub Matur, Agam regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

    This location can be reached by landline. There are two alternative pathways to get to Puncak Lawang, namely from the west and the east. From the west, the journey begins from the town of Padang Pariaman passing lane toward Lubuk cone (the capital city of Agam District), passing Lake Maninjau and Curved 44 with travel time approximately 2.5 hours. To transport can use a private car, public transport, travel or car hire. While traveling from the east following the route of Padang-Bukittinggi, Bukittinggi and from the location to use public transportation, personal car or rental car with a travel time of about 3 hours. For public transportation, no one serving Route-Location Padang (Puncak Lawang) directly. Therefore, travelers are advised to use a rental car or private car.

    On location there is an open mushalla building complete with bathrooms, ablution and toilet. While on the edge of the cliff near the security fence, there are some binoculars that are permanently attached and can be used by the visitors to see the panoramic view of Lake Maninjau no charge.
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