Saturday, April 23, 2011

Java Island | About Java Island

    Java Island
    Java is an island in Indonesia with 136 million inhabitants, this island is densely populated island in the world and is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. The island is inhabited by 60% of Indonesia's population. The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located in western Java. Many historical records housed in Java, Indonesia, Java is the first center Hindu_Budha kingdoms, the Islamic empire, the heart of the colonial Dutch East Indies, and is central to Indonesia's independence campaign. The island is dominated social life, politics, and economy of Indonesia.

    Java was formed by volcanic events, Java is the thirteenth largest island in the world and fifth largest in Indonesia. The chain of volcanic mountains form the spine, which stretch east to the west of the island. Java uses three main languages​​, although the Java language and is the dominant native language of 60 million people in Indonesia, the largest number that inhabits Java. Most of them understand two languages​​, Indonesian as either first or second language. Meanwhile, the majority of Javanese are Muslim, Java has a diverse mixture of religious beliefs, ethnicity and culture.

    The island is divided into four provinces, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten, as well as two specific areas, Jakarta and Yogyakarta.

    The origin of the name 'Java' is not clear. One possibility is that the name derives from the island of Java-wut plants, which are found on the island in ancient times, before the entry of Indian influence of this island may have many names. There are also allegations that the island is derived from Jau word meaning "far away". In Sanskrit yava means barley plant, a plant that makes this island famous. "Yawadvipa" referred to in the Indian epic Ramayana. Sugriwa, commander of the Vanara (monkey) army of Rama sent his messenger to Yawadvipa (Java), to find Shinta. Then based on Indian literature, especially Tamil literature, called by the Sanskrit name "yāvaka Dvipa" (Dvipa = island). Other sources propose the notion that the word "Java"is derived from the root word in Proto-Austronesian language, which means'house'.

    With a population of 136 million people of Java Island is home to more than 57% of the population of Indonesia. With a density of 1029 people / km ², the island has also become one of the islands in the world's most crowded population. About 45% of Indonesia's population comes from the Javanese. Nevertheless the western third of the island (West Java, Banten, and Jakarta) has a population density of more than 1,400 people/km2.

    Starting in the 1970s until the fall of Suharto in 1998, the Indonesian government's transmigration program to move a portion of the population of Java to other islands in Indonesia that is more extensive. This program sometimes works, but sometimes resulted in conflicts between settlers from Java with the local population.
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