Friday, April 22, 2011

Duck Farming | Livestock Raising Laying Ducks

    Also known as duck Ducks. Ancestors Came from North America is a wild duck (Anas mocha) or wild mallard. Continuous dijinakan by Humans to be maintained is now Called duck Anas domesticus (duck). Concentrated duck internationally in countries of North America, South America, Asia, Britain, France, while in Indonesia, centered in PulauJawa duck (Tegal, Grebes, and Mojosari), Kalimantan (sub-district Alabio Amuntai), Bali, Lombok Also. By type, duck classified three types, namely duck Such as the Indian runner, khaki, Campbell, and puff, duck meat Such as Rouen, Muscovy, and Cayuga, Ducks Ornamental or favorite duck like the East India, call, mandariun, blue, and wood. Type seeds are farmed in Indonesia in particular is the type of duck, duck Such as dry, khaki Campbell ducks, Alabio, mojo duck juice, ducks Bali, and other ducks leading the which is a product of CPM (Livestock Research Institute).

    Cage Preparation

    There are three types of cages Ducks Laying:
    1. Cage To Child Ducks (DOD) is the stater Could Be Called Box Cage Also, measuring 1 meter square cans DOD accommodate 50 fish.
    2. Cage Brower (for ducks juvenile) is Called the stable model of ren, or cage tail group with the size of 16-100 per group.
    3. Screen Enclosure (for duck laying period) model of cans be a battery cage (one or two tails in one group), Could Also form the cage location (group) with the size of EACH square meters of 4-5 ducks
    Adult (spawning period or for 30 adult ducks with cage size 3 x 2 meters). The condition of the cage does not need an expensive material, but quite simple origin durable and strong. For equipment in the form of dining, drinking places, and perhaps other ancillary equipment that positive intention in management.

    Maintenance Of Laying Duck
    1. Sanitation and preventive action. Sanitation is absolutely necessary in the maintenance of duck and preventive measures (prevention of disease) need to be considered early warning of disease.
    2. Controller Disease. Made at any time and carefully and thoroughly. Disabled and seriously handle when there are signs of poor health on the duck.
    3. Feeding. Duck feeding is given in three fas, namely phase-stater (age 0-8 weeks), grower phase (age 8-18 weeks), and the phase screen (age 18-27 weeks). Use three phases in the form of feed so from the factory (in practical) with the code of EACH phase.
    How to divide the meals were divided into four groups:
    • Age 0-16 days given in the feed list (tray feeder)
    • Age is given 16-21 days given premises feeder tray and spread on the floor.
    • Age 21 days to 18 weeks spread out on the floor.
    • Age 18 weeks, 72 weeks there are two ways, the first 7 days in a feed transition with respect to the beginning of spawn production until production reached 5%. After feeding the ducks in adlibitium (continuous)....
    Post Harvest

    Post-harvest activities is preservation. With the preservation, economic value of duck egg will be longer than not doing preservation. Eggs are not given a pickling treatment can only survive for 14 days when stored at temperatures even will soon rot. There are 5 treatment of egg preservation of Duck:
    1. Preserving with warm water. Preserving with warm water is the preservation of the simplest of duck eggs. In this way the eggs can survive up to 20 days.
    2. Preservation of eggs with guava leaf. Soaking eggs with guava leaves to maintain the quality of eggs for about a month. Eggs that have been soaked will change color to brown like eggs evaporation.
    3. Preservation of eggs with coconut oil. Preserved in a practical preservation. In this way, and eggshell color and taste has not changed.
    4. Preservation of eggs with sodium silicate. Materials preservation of sodium silicate is a viscous liquid, colorless and clear and odorless. Sodium silicate cans cover the pores of the shell so the eggs That durable and long lasting up to 1.5 months. As for how to soak the eggs in a solution of sodium 10% subs a month.
    5. Preservation of eggs with salt. Eggs soaked in salt solution with a concentration of 30-40% for 3 weeks.
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