Sunday, April 24, 2011


    The camera is the most popular tools in the activity of photography. The name is derived from camera obscura, Latin for "dark room", the early mechanism for projecting the display in which a room serves as the workings of a modern photographic camera, except there is no way at that time to record the display image other than manually follow in his footsteps. In the world of photography, the camera is a device to establish and record an image on the sheet film portrait. On the television camera, lens system forming an image on a light-sensitive plate. These plates will emit electrons into the target plate when exposed to light. Furthermore, electron beam that is treated electronically. Known for many types of portrait camera.

    Camera Components
    • Light-tight box (camera body)
    • Lens system
    • Lighter portrait (shutter)
    • Movie player
    Camera body

    Camera body is a room completely light proof, but linked with a lens that was the only place of light. In this section the light focused by the lens will be set to the right about and burn movies.

    In the camera for the purpose of art photography, usually added a few key regulator, among others:
    • Regulatory ISO / ASA film.
    • Shutter Speed.
    • Aperture (Aperture).
    If the necessary equipment can also be added:
    • Blitz (or more commonly called a flash or flash)
    • Tripod
    • Lightmeter
    Lens system

    Lens system mounted on the front hole of the box, in the form of a single lens made of plastic or glass, or a number of lenses arranged in a metal cylinder.

    The level of light Retardation expressed by number f, or relative aperture. The lower the f number, the Greater the Smaller the opening or obstruction of his lawyer-level. Aperture diaphragm is Arranged by the window. Relative aperture is set by a diaphragm. For SLR cameras, lens aperture diaphragm regulator is equipped with a set amount of light entering suit photographers.

    Lens type faster or slower lens is determined by the range of F which can be used.

    Besides the normal lens, wide angle lens is also known (wide lens), small-angle lens (telephoto lens), and variable lens (variable lens, or by the layman is called the zoom lens.

    Wide-angle lens has a focal length which is smaller than normal lens. But as it depends on the width of film used. For the film 35 millimeters, 35 millimeters lens will be called wide-angle lens, while lens 135 millimeters telephoto lens will be called.

    Variable lens can be changed focus distance, by changing the relative position of the lens elements. The lens will focus light so that the resulting image to fit the movie. Grouped according to length of the lens focal length (distance between the two lenses).

    Focal length affect the composition of images that can be produced. In the general population, better known as zoom.

    Lighter Portrait

    Lighters portrait or shutter button mounted on the back of the lens or between the lenses. Most SLR cameras have a timer mechanism to allow varying the shutter opening time. This time is short shutter is opened, allowing the beam of light on film.

    Some ordinary people consider the ability of the camera equal to the maximum shutter speed that can be used.

    Other parts of a camera, among others:
    • Mechanisms play the movie rolls for the parts of the film turns to be revealed at the object
    • Focus mechanism which can vary the distance between the lens and the film,
    • Photography composition scanner (range finder) that shows what will be photographed as well as whether the main object will be focused
    • lightmeter to help set the shutter speed and / or size of openings, for the amount of light on the film sufficiently precise in order to obtain a satisfactory image or picture.
    • Some cameras, especially the type of pocket cameras usually do not have any of these parts.
    Types of cameras based on media catcher light

    Using celluloid film camera (or the like, according to technology development). Silver halide grains attached to the ribbon is very sensitive to light. When the washing process the film, silver halide which has been exposed to light with the right size will be blackened, while the less or no exposure to date and with a liquid soluble developer (developer).

    Movie camera

    Type of camera film used was of type 35 millimeter, which became popular because of versatility and speed when shooting, since this camera is small, compact and unobtrusive. Sometimes interchangeable lenses, and cameras that can load a roll of film for 36 outcrops, sometimes even more.

    Polaroid Camera

    This type of camera using Polaroid sheet which gives a direct positive image so the photographer does not need to do the washing process print film.

    Digital Cameras

    This type of camera is a camera that can work without using film. The photographer can easily capture an object without having to bother took aim through the window of view because most digital cameras do not have it. Instead, a digital camera using an LCD screen mounted behind the camera. The width of the LCD screen on any digital camera is different.

    As a storage media, digital cameras use the internal memory or external memory using the memory card.
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