Friday, May 6, 2011

West Aceh Regency | History of West Aceh Regency | Dutch colonization | Japanese occupation

    West Aceh
    West Aceh Regency is one of the districts in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Before the expansion, West Aceh has a total area of 10.097.04 km ² or 1,010,466 hectares and is part of the west coast and south islands of Sumatra, which stretches from west to east starting from the foot of the mountain Geurutee (border with Aceh Besar) to the side of Krueng Seumayam (South Aceh border) with a long coastline of 250 km so far. After an area divided into 2927.95 km ².

    History of West Aceh Regency

    Western region of Aceh kingdom began to be opened and built in the 16th century on the initiative of Saidil Mukamil Sultan (Sultan of Aceh who lived between the years 1588 to 1604), followed by Sultan Iskandar Muda (sultan of Aceh who lived from 1607 to 1636 years) by bringing in the people of Aceh and Pidie Rayeuk.

    The first is a crowded area in the Gulf of Meulaboh (Pasi Karam) is ruled by a king who holds Teuku Keujruen Meulaboh, and State Power (Kecamatan Jaya) that at the end of the 15th century had established a kingdom with its king is the Sultan Salatin Alaidin Riayat Shah with the title Poteu Meureuhom Power.

    Dari perkembangan selanjutnya, wilayah Aceh Barat diakhir abad ke-17 telah berkembang menjadi beberapa kerajaan kecil yang dipimpin oleh Uleebalang, yaitu : Kluang; Lamno; Kuala Lambeusoe; Kuala Daya; Kuala Unga; Babah Awe; Krueng No; Cara' Mon; Lhok Kruet; Babah Nipah; Lageun; Lhok Geulumpang; Rameue; Lhok Rigaih; Krueng Sabee; Teunom; Panga; Woyla; Bubon; Lhok Bubon; Meulaboh; Seunagan; Tripa; Seuneu'am; Tungkop; Beutong; Pameue; Teupah (Tapah); Simeulue; Salang; Leukon; Sigulai.

    The kings who ever reigned in kehulu-Balangan Kaway XVI may be tracked from T. Pho Tjik Rahman, who later succeeded by his son T. Tjik Masaid, which is then replaced by another son named T. Tjik Ali and his son was replaced by T. Tjik Abah (temporary) and then replaced by T. Tjik Manso who has three the oldest sons to be King of Meulaboh named T. Tjik King Nagor who in 1913 died of poisoning, and then replaced by a younger brother named Teuku Tjik Ali Akbar, while the child Tjik T. King Nagor named Teuku King Neh, still small.

    When Teuku King Neh (father of HTRosman. former Regent of West Aceh), son of King Nagor Teuku Tjik much he demanded that the kingdom restored to him, but Ali Akbar T. Tjik close to the Netherlands instead mengfitnah Teuku King Neh mental illness, causing T Neh king banished to Sabang.

    In 1942 when Japan entered into Meulaboh, T. Tjik Ali Akbar was killed by the Japanese along with Teuku Ben and in 1978, his body was discovered in the former Dutch Tangsi or present in the village of Suak Indrapuri Dormitory army, then ruled by Wedana Meulaboh and the Regents and then broke into South Aceh, Simeulue, Nagan Raya, Aceh Jaya. (Teuku dadek)

    The days of Dutch colonialism, through an agreement (Korte verklaring), recognized that each uleebalang can run their own government (Zelfsbestuur) or swaparaja (landschap). The Netherlands became the Kingdom of Aceh was established Atjeh Gouvernement en Onderhorigheden (Gubernemen Region Aceh and conquests) and subsequently with thethe establishment Gouvernement Sumatra , Aceh is used as the Residency is divided into several areas called Afdeeling ( provinces)and Afdeeling divided over several onderafdeeling ( district)and onderafdeeling divided into several landschap (subdistrict).

    Dutch colonization

    West Aceh is closely related to the history of Meulaboh, West Aceh district capital of which consists of Johan Pahlawan sub-district, part XVI, and partly Kaway Meureubo District is one of the oldest city in the western hemisphere and South Aceh. According to the book Tarih HM.Zainuddin Atjeh and Archipelago, formerly known as the State Meulaboh Sand Karam. The name was probably something to do with the history of the tsunami in the town of Meulaboh in the past, that on December 26, 2004 happen again.

    Meulaboh have been aged 402 years from now rose throne of Sultan Saidil Mukamil (1588-1604), historical records show that Meulaboh has been there since the ruling Sultan.

    In the Kingdom of Aceh was ruled by Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636), thus HM.Zainuddin land plus construction. At the time it opened Meulaboh pepper plantations, but this country is not so crowded because they can not compete with the many transit Affairs Singkil merchant ships to take charge of incense and camphor. Later in the reign of Sultan Djamalul Natural, Sand Interior plus Karam back garden development with the opening of pepper. To cultivate the gardens that brought the people of Pidie and Aceh Besar.

    Japanese occupation

    In the Japanese colonial period (1942 - 1945) the administrative area of the structure has not changed much except for the replacement of names in Japanese, like Afdeeling be headed by Bunsyucho Bunsyu, Onderafdeeling be headed by Guncho Gun and landschap be headed by Soncho Son.
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