Sunday, May 15, 2011

High Deductible Health Insurance Plays Russian Roulette With Our Health As Insurers Rack Up Record Profits

    At a time when health insurance rates are rising at an almost surreal pace, it will likely not come as a great surprise that the nation’s largest health insurance companies are posting record profits for the third year in a row.
    But this good fortune is not simply the result of skyrocketing premium charges.
    The really good news for insurers is that people are staying away from doctors and hospitals in droves – allowing the insurance companies to keep those premium payments locked in their bank accounts rather than paying it out to health care providers.
    So, to what does the insurance industry owe this debt of gratitude for this sudden lack of interest in our own health?

    They can thank the growing popularity of high deductible health insurance polices and larger co-pays combined with tough economic times.
    The UnitedHealth Group, one of the largest commercial insurers, told analysts that so far this year, insured hospital stays actually decreased in some instances. In reporting its earnings last week, Cigna, another insurer, talked about the “low level of medical use.”

    Via New York Times

    As everyone from individual policy holders to corporate benefit programs turn to high deductible plans in the effort to lower the high cost of insurance premiums, policy holders find themselves responsible to pay medical bills of anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 before their insurance kicks in.
    When that kind of money is coming out of one’s pocket, people tend to think long and hard before heading off to the doctor.
    “I am noticing my patients with insurance are more interested in costs,” said Dr. Jim King, a family practice physician in rural Tennessee. “Gas prices are going up, food prices are going up. They are deciding to put some of their health care off.” A patient might decide not to drive the 50 miles necessary to see a specialist because of the cost of gas, he said.
    But Dr. King said patients were also being more thoughtful about their needs. Fewer are asking for an MRI as soon as they have a bad headache. “People are realizing that this is my money, even if I’m not writing a check,” he said.”

    Via New York Times

    I can hear the distant cheers of the consumer driven health care movement, peppered with the more than occasional “I told you so.”
    And yet, the Regina Hertzlinger brigade might wish to hang back a bit as the other shoe has yet to drop.
    It will drop – and when it does, you are not going to like it.

    The “free-markets in medicine” forces have long argued that when people are responsible to pay for a meaningful chunk of their own medical bills, they will be more selective about how they choose to spend their hard earned cash.
    The recent data would certainly appear to bear this out.
    However, the argument distracts from the real truth behind high deductible insurance programs, a truth which reveals that these plans are hugely punitive for all but the wealthiest in our country.

    While the rich tend to purchase insurance policies with lower deductibles, because they can better afford the premiums, lower income groups are forced to buy the higher deductible plans if they are to have any coverage at all. The result is that those with high deductible plans shy away from spending enough on health care to cover their deductibles – unless they are confronted with a major illness – as the out-of-pocket expenditures become difficult, if not impossible, for them to handle.

    That means that the insurance companies get to take these lower premiums and pocket them as profit because there is less likelihood that the policy owners are going to reach the deductible limit requiring a pay-out by their insurance company.
    This works out great for the publicly traded insurance companies where management tends to focus on the large bonuses that comes with large increases in annual profits.
    But here is the part of the puzzle that free-marketers never wish to face up to – almost every serious medical condition begins as a less serious medical condition.

    If that less serious illness is discovered and treated early, both lives and larges sums of money are saved – not only by the insurance companies but also by the typical policy holder that will still find themselves paying 20% or more of some hellacious medical charges even when their insurance does kick in.
    Thus, as the public avoids the doctor today in an effort to hang onto their money to pay for more immediate expenses of life, for many, this will prove to be a short-term solution that will end up in medical and financial disaster.

    Don’t believe it? You should. The insurance companies certainly do.
    Despite the record profits, health insurers continue to raise premiums.
    While they claim that the increases are in preparation for the day when the economy improves and consumers return to caring for their health, this is an unlikely explanation.

    What the insurers realize is that this lack of attention to present medical needs, preventative and otherwise, will result in higher-cost treatments tomorrow – treatments that the health insurers will have to pay for. But in a world where today’s profits are what matters, the pending health crisis many will face is a topic for another day, unless you happen to be the one who experiences the health crisis that could have been averted.

    When this other shoe drops – and the insurers know that it will – the insurance companies will conveniently forget that they raised their prices in preparation for this eventuality and will, again, raise their premium charges to deal with the swelling use of medical services that must result from avoiding needed care early on.

    What we see is that the insurance companies will profit, one way or another, until the public figures out that the catastrophic polices they are buying is little more than false security being peddled in the name of holding down insurance policy premiums.
    Does this sound like an acceptable long-term payer policy for anyone but the wealthiest among us?
    It’s not – unless you happen to be a health insurance company. (
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