Monday, May 2, 2011

Business Analysis | Systems analyst

    Business analysis is the discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems. Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development. The person who carries out this task is called a business analyst or BA.

    Those BAs who work solely on developing software systems may be called IT Business Analysts, Technical Business Analysts, Online Business Analysts or Systems Analysts.

    Business analysis as a discipline has a heavy overlap with requirements analysis sometimes also called requirements engineering, but focuses on identifying the changes to an organization that are required for it to achieve strategic goals. These changes include changes to strategies, structures, policies, processes, and information systems.

    Enterprise analysis or company analysis

    Focuses on understanding the needs of the business as a whole, its strategic direction, and identifying initiatives that will allow a business to meet those strategic goals. It also includes:
    1. Creating and maintaining the business architecture
    2. Conducting feasibility studies
    3. Identifying new business opportunities
    4. Scoping and defining new business opportunities
    5. Preparing the business case
    6. . Conducting the initial risk assessment
    Requirements planning and management:

    Involves planning the requirements development process, determining which requirements are the highest priority for implementation, and managing change.

    Requirements elicitation
    Describes techniques for collecting requirements from stakeholders in a project. Some techniques for requirements elicitation are:
    1. Brainstorming
    2. Document Analysis
    3. Focus Group
    4. Interface Analysis
    5. Interviews
    6. Workshops
    7. Reverse Engineering
    8. Surveys
    9. User Task Analysis
    Requirements analysis and documentation

    Describes how to develop and specify requirements in enough detail to allow them to be successfully implemented by a project team. The three major forms of analysis are:
    1. Business Process Analysis
    2. Object Oriented Analysis
    3. Structured Analysis
    While requirements documentation can be in either form:
    1. Textual
    2. Matrix
    3. Diagrams
    4. Models
    Requirements communication

    Describes techniques for ensuring that stakeholders have a shared understanding of the requirements and how they will be implemented.

    Solution assessment and validation

    Describes how the business analyst can verify the correctness of a proposed solution, how to support the implementation of a solution, and how to assess possible shortcomings in the implementation.

    Business analysis techniques

    There are a number of generic business techniques that a Business Analyst will use when facilitating business change.

    Roles of business analysts

    As the scope of business analysis is very wide, there has been a tendency for business analysts to specialize in one of the three sets of activities which constitute the scope of business analysis, the primary role for business analysts is to identify business needs and provide solutions to business problems these are done as being a part of following set of activities.


    Organizations need to focus on strategic matters on a more or less continuous basis in the modern business world. Business analysts, serving this need, are well-versed in analyzing the strategic profile of the organization and its environment, advising senior management on suitable policies, and the effects of policy decisions.


    Organizations may need to introduce change to solve business problems which may have been identified by the strategic analysis, referred to above. Business analysts contribute by analyzing objectives, processes and resources, and suggesting ways by which re-design (BPR), or improvements (BPI) could be made. Particular skills of this type of analyst are "soft skills", such as knowledge of the business, requirements engineering, stakeholder analysis, and some "hard skills", such as business process modeling. Although the role requires an awareness of technology and its uses, it is not an IT-focused role.

    Three elements are essential to this aspect of the business analysis effort: the redesign of core business processes; the application of enabling technologies to support the new core processes; and the management of organizational change. This aspect of business analysis is also called "business process improvement" (BPI), or "reengineering".

    Systems analyst

    There is the need to align IT Development with the systems actually running in production for the Business. A long-standing problem in business is how to get the best return from IT investments, which are generally very expensive and of critical, often strategic, importance. IT departments, aware of the problem, often create a business analyst role to better understand, and define the requirements for their IT systems. Although there may be some overlap with the developer and testing roles, the focus is always on the IT part of the change process, and generally, this type of business analyst gets involved, only when a case for change has already been made and decided upon.

    In any case, the term "analyst" is lately considered somewhat misleading, insofar as analysts (i.e. problem investigators) also do design work (solution definers).

    Identifying Business Needs

    Includes the following steps:
    1. Business definition
    2. Understand business domain(s)
    3. Organization goals
    4. Core competence
    5. Competitive stance

    Goal of business analysis

    ltimately, business analysis want to achieve the following outcomes:
    • Reduce waste
    • Create solutions
    • Complete projects on time
    • Improve efficiency
    •  Document the right requirements
    One way to assess these goals is to measure the return on investment (ROI) for all projects. According to Forrester Research, more than $100 billion is spent annually in the U.S. on custom and internally developed software projects. For all of these software development projects, keeping accurate data is important and business leaders are constantly asking for the return or ROI on a proposed project or at the conclusion of an active project. However, asking for the ROI without sufficient data of where value is created or destroyed may result with inaccurate projections.

    Document the right requirements

    Business analysts want to make sure that they define the application in a way that meets the end-users’ needs. Essentially, they want to define the right application. This means that they must document the right requirements through listening carefully to ‘customer’ feedback, and by delivering a complete set of clear requirements to the technical architects and coders who will write the program. If a business analyst has limited tools or skills to help him elicit the right requirements, then the chances are fairly high that he will end up documenting requirements that will not be used or that will need to be re-written – resulting in rework as discussed below. The time wasted to document unnecessary requirements not only impacts the business analyst, it also impacts the rest of the development cycle. Coders need to generate application code to perform these unnecessary requirements and testers need to make sure that the wanted features actually work as documented and coded. Experts estimate that 10% to 40% of the features in new software applications are unnecessary or go unused. Being able to reduce the amount of these extra features by even one-third can result in significant savings.

    Improve project efficiency

    Efficiency can be achieved in two ways: by reducing rework and by shortening project length.

    Rework is a common industry headache and it has become so common at many organizations that it is often built into project budgets and time lines. It generally refers to extra work needed in a project to fix errors due to incomplete or missing requirements and can impact the entire software development process from definition to coding and testing. The need for rework can be reduced by ensuring that the requirements gathering and definition processes are thorough and by ensuring that the business and technical members of a project are involved in these processes from an early stage.

    Shortening project length presents two potential benefits. For every month that a project can be shortened, project resource costs can be diverted to other projects. This can lead to savings on the current project and lead to earlier start times of future projects (thus increasing revenue potential).
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