Sunday, March 27, 2011

Atatürk karakalem portre resim

Thursday, March 24, 2011

History Bloggers

    Blogger was started by a tiny company in San Francisco called Pyra Labs in August of 1999. This was in the midst of the dot-com boom. But we weren't exactly a VC-funded, party-throwing, foosball-in-the-lobby-playing, free-beer-drinking outfit. (Unless it was other people's free beer.)

    We were three friends, funded by doing annoying contract web projects for big companies, trying to make our own grand entrance onto the Internet landscape. What we were originally trying to do doesn't matter so much now. But while doing it, we created Blogger, more or less on a whim, and thought — Hmmm... that's kinda interesting.

    Blogger took off, in a small way, and eventually a bigger way, over a couple years. We raised a little money (but stayed small). And then the bust happened, and we ran out of money, and our fun little journey got less fun. We narrowly survived, not all in one piece, but kept the service going the whole time (most days) and started building it back up.

    Things were going well again in 2002. We had hundreds of thousands of users, though still just a few people. And then something no one expected happened: Google wanted to buy us. Yes, that Google.

    We liked Google a lot. And they liked blogs. So we were amenable to the idea. And it worked out nicely.

    Now we're a small (but slightly bigger than before) team in Google focusing on helping people have their own voice on the web and organizing the world's information from the personal perspective. Which has pretty much always been our whole deal.

    For more on Google, check (Also good for searching.)
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Şarap bardaklı doğum günü gif kutlama mesajı

Pembe güllerden kalpli doğum günü kutlama mesajı

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bayram kutlama resimli mesaj güllü anlamlı yazılı

    Gülmek Güllerin,
    Ağlamak bulutların
    güneş gündüzlerin, umutlar yarınların,
    Mutluluklar senin ve sevdiklerinin olsun
    Bayramın kutlu olsun...
    Bayram kutlama resimli mesaj güllü anlamlı yazılı
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    Visit Sotokan for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Kadınlar günü resimli kutlama mesajı,çicekli

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cameron Diaz

Reese Witherspoon

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sandra Bullock

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